4 Keys To Face The Unforeseen

4 keys to coping with the unforeseen

Unexpected situations force us to get out of our comfort zone, that place where security acts like a rope to hold on to and keep us stable. Sometimes, they can even hit us so hard that we are paralyzed without knowing very well what to do or how to act to face the unforeseen.

It is true that most of the surprises that break into our lives are of little importance. However, sometimes they can lead to unpleasant situations that affect us emotionally. In fact, it is no coincidence that most people like to be in control of situations and their life in general, since this way they feel more comfortable.

However, the uncertainty is there, as are the unforeseen. Nothing remains forever. Therefore, we have to be prepared to face impermanence, the unexpected, and the feeling of insecurity in the face of the unknown.

Here’s how to deal with the unexpected. Let’s go deeper.

Stop before you act

The first of the keys to coping with the unforeseen is not to react impulsively, that is, letting ourselves be carried away by our fears. To do this, it is advisable to pause to reflect and manage how we find ourselves in the face of what happened. It may not be that easy but it will be worth it, more than anything because you will avoid doing something that you may regret.

Woman hugging a cushion eating her head

The first few moments before acting are probably the most difficult to manage, but also the most crucial. That is why it is so important to remain calm to avoid being carried away by the momentum and to take the first steps with determination.

Do not forget that by pausing and taking time to think, you are giving yourself the opportunity to choose a better option. Practicing deep breathing and counting to 10 is helpful for most people.

Focus on your long-term goals

The next step to deal with the unexpected is that r ecuerdes what are your long – term goals. In this way, you will abandon short-term thinking, which will help you prioritize your needs to address the situation. In addition, it will help you distance yourself from the problem and be able to observe it from different perspectives.

Also, don’t worry too much about the short-term problems you run into when trying to solve unforeseen events . Try to always think about the positive aspects, the goals that long-term actions bring you and everything you can learn from what is happening to you at that moment.

Keep a positive attitude

A positive attitude is an asset in unexpected situations,  even though not all unexpected events are negative.

In any case, changing your approach is a matter of attitude, effort, and training. You can extract a positive reading from all situations. And sometimes what seems like a problem, or even a disaster, can be an opportunity. This is because a negative event can spark the ambition, motivation, and persistence that lead to progress and success.

An example that can help you is thinking about a job layoff. Even being fired can eventually be positive,  as it can give you the opportunity to find a better job in which you feel happier.

You’re not alone

When life offers you its worst face, it is very easy to isolate yourself in your pain. In these moments, you must remember that there will surely be other people who have gone through a similar situation or even worse moments. You are not the only one suffering from setbacks.

Friend comforting another

However, talking to people who have experienced similar situations to yours can help you feel understood and heard. In addition to offering you the possibility of knowing other points of view and other strategies to address the situation.

Finally, be aware that although we do not like the company of uncertainty, it will come to visit us from time to time. The unforeseen will continue to occur. The important thing is to work on accepting what happened to gain momentum, keep moving forward and of course keep growing. 

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