5 Phrases By Jane Goodall That Will Make You Think

5 phrases by Jane Goodall that will make you reflect

Jane Goodall’s phrases convey a wonderful purpose: to reconcile human beings with respect for nature. One of its purposes has always been to force people to redefine ourselves, to come down from our proud pedestal to understand that species like primates also have emotions, are intelligent, empathize and have a social system.

In addition to being a primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist and UN messenger of peace, Jane Goodall is a legend. We are facing one of those eminences who, due to his humanity, transcendence and clarity in his message, continues to excite the world with his lectures. She is now 84 years old, but she is still distinguished by her ponytail, her serene smile and that sensitive gaze of someone who observes the world with childish curiosity despite being one of the most revolutionary scientists in history.

It was Jane Goodall who 50 years ago challenged the world and the most agnostic scientific community by showing them that animals, too, have intelligence. What’s more, his field of study was not limited to chimpanzees alone. One more passion that defines this English ethologist is bird watching. He was one of the first voices to speak about how mammals and birds such as crows are capable of planning, solving simple problems, building contraptions to obtain food or organizing themselves in social structures.

His theoretical contribution has impacted a large field of disciplines, including psychology itself. Concepts such as self-awareness, empathy, altruism or deception are no longer exclusive “products” of the human race …

image representing the phrases of Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall quotes to ponder

Jane Goodall’s phrases show us that although she has not found the missing link in human evolution, no one has ever been so close to showing us how linked we are to great primates. Moreover, for this ethologist and primatologist, the only thing that differentiates us from them is language, something that, without a doubt, should force human beings to reflect and redefine themselves in many aspects.

Let us therefore see some phrases by Jane Goodall to better understand her legacy, that which we can also find in books such as “On the path of man”, “Reasons for hope” or “My life with chimpanzees”.

1. Animals have feelings

We said it at the beginning. Jane Goodall’s contributions to psychology are also remarkable. She more than anyone has emphasized the need to become aware of animal psychology. Because not only primates show obvious characteristics of social intelligence, complex emotions and a mind that is aware of itself.

Our most common pets, such as dogs or cats, also have their personalities, their emotional needs and that empathy capable of not only connecting with their own species, but also with ourselves.

2. It doesn’t matter who you are, but what you are capable of doing

This is one of the most interesting Jane Goodall quotes. It contains in itself an idea that is also shared by many current anthropologists. Often times, the scientific community is obsessed with being able to explain our evolutionary line, in knowing if Homo heidelbergensis goes before or after its predecessor or if Neanderthals are a different species or a subspecies of the genus Homo sapiens.

For Jane Goodall none of that matters. What is relevant is what we do with our life in the present moment. If that evolutionary success that characterizes us is of any use, if we are capable of creating a much better world, more noble and respectful of the rest of the species.

Image representing the phrases of Jane Goodall

3. Harmony in the animal world, disharmony in the civilized world

This is undoubtedly another wonderful reflection that speaks for itself. No animal conceives the idea of ​​destroying its own home. To knock down the trees, burn the grasslands, devastate the savannas, pollute the rivers, litter the oceans … We consider animal species that all they do is live in their environment and in harmony, while we do the opposite.

4. Protect nature for our psychological health

Jane Goodall continues to lead that natural and social activism where we are aware of the importance of conserving forests. To protect nature and wildlife. That priority even reverts to our psychological well-being, a detail of immense relevance that we are not yet fully aware of. Nature is not just life, it makes life possible.

5. We have a responsibility

This is undoubtedly another of the most mythical Jane Goodall phrases. We have a responsibility with the animals, with the chimpanzees, with the gorillas and with all those species that we are displacing from their habitats due to human voracity. For producing more palm oil, for having more natural resources to exploit and land from which to obtain those essential minerals for the technology industry.

image representing the phrases of Jane Goodall

We are creating incurable wounds to our planet, to the animals and also to ourselves. Messages like those of Jane Goodall are those that help us to become aware, to descend from our proud evolutionary scale to look at ourselves with more humility, to see animals as brothers, as humble inhabitants of Gaia, of a planet that we do not take care of as we do. deserves.

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