5 Strategies To Get Up Early

5 strategies to get up early

Surely you have ever heard the saying “God helps those who get up early”. It is well known that those who wake up early are more likely to reach their daily goals. Aware of its importance, we are going to take advantage of this article to give you some strategies to get up early.

First of all, you must bear in mind that getting up early is a battle fought on two fronts: preparing the body and deceiving the sleepy mind. Unfortunately, it is not always that easy. Hence, we recommend creating a routine in which organization and foresight stand out. For example, it will help you to prepare some details the night before, such as meals.

According to a study conducted by the University of Toronto and the Rottman Research Institute of Canada, people who usually wake up early are happier and healthier. The researchers conclude that early risers are generally healthier and more satisfied with their lives than night owls because they found it easier to adjust to life’s schedule.

Thus, in addition to discipline and willpower, we suggest you carry out the following strategies to get up early if you want to achieve your goal:

A good rest

The struggle to get up early is not all mental. There is an important physical component: rest. Hence, not only the quality of your sleep is important but the quantity of it.

So make sure you go to bed early instead of letting the hours go by. Also, pay attention to your diet and exercise. General fitness greatly affects sleep habits and energy levels.

Woman asleep in bed

Go to bed 30-60 minutes before your desired sleep time

Actually, one of the biggest obstacles preventing people from falling asleep, aside from producing too little melatonin, is an overly active mind.

Some people are so afraid of dealing with the conversations in their minds that they have to be distracted by music, radio, or television until they finally fall asleep.

You need time to relax and let the worries of the day fade away. One of the ways it allows you to do this is by reading. After a busy day, you may not find the time to read. Do not worry. With just 20 minutes of reading, you will begin to notice that you feel tired.

Set goals for the next day

If all you’ve planned for the morning is to shower and head straight to the office, it’s no wonder you can’t find the motivation to get out of bed. You have to be excited about your morning assignments. If you are not, then we understand that lengthening your sleep hours is the best option.

We even recommend that you take time each night to write down those things that you would like to do during the next day : running, watching your favorite series, seeing family, etc. Setting some goals can make it easier to get up early.

Do it gradually

If you need to change the time you wake up, do it gradually. So first get up 15 minutes earlier for two days, then try to cut back a few more minutes, and so on. Realistic goals will make you feel that you are achieving what you set out to do  and that you are on the road to success.

Alarm clock on bedside table

Take the right actions

The quality of sleep is often determined by what happened before bed. Therefore, we recommend avoiding some simple habits that will help you get up early:

  • Do not practice sports 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink caffeine after 2pm.
  • Use electronic devices 30 minutes before sleeping.
  • Drink alcohol before going to bed.
  • Eat dinner at least 2 hours before resting.

In short, the body can adapt easily, and over time, getting up early will be something automatic that will not require any kind of effort. You just have to apply these strategies and you will become an early riser.

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