5 Techniques To Boost Your Willpower

5 techniques to boost your willpower

This week I start “, surely you have thought more than once. Whether it is losing weight, quitting smoking or starting a project (business, study, etc.); The truth is that it is easy to decide that you are going to start. Getting started can be easy: the tricky part is having enough willpower to continue.

The very decision to start something gives us enough willpower to get started. However, that motivation and good intentions dissipate over time. Laziness, lack of conviction or lack of support can be some of the reasons behind that lack of willpower that we need to continue.


There are two important things you need to know about willpower.

  • Willpower is a finite resource.  Willpower can run out. When we exert our effort in one area, we have less willpower left to focus on something else.
  • Willpower is like a muscle.  Willpower needs to be exercised and strengthened and, if not worked, it atrophies and, although it can be reactivated, it costs a lot to get it going again. In this sense, we can say that willpower is trainable.
Man pushing a rock

Willpower helps us overcome inertia. When we see ourselves without willpower, our self-esteem plummets, and we replace doing with fantasizing, and we think about what we will do in the future when we achieve what we are not capable of, as if thinking about it would come true. But that does not happen, nor will it happen if action is not taken.


How to train your willpower

To train your willpower and increase it every day, consider the following techniques. Adopting them as a habit will ensure success in your quest for willpower:

1. Watch how and where you use your willpower

There are frantic situations that make us draw out all the willpower that we carry within. And in that inertia, we decided to get down to work to do everything we want to do: go to the gym, lose weight, quit smoking, read a book a week, write a blog and publish every day – no, better. two blogs, one personal and the other professional, cooking every day, spending more time with the family, etc.

You found it tiring to read the list, right? Imagine that it would be to start everything at once. Crazy, isn’t it?

Projects must be started one at a time. You’ve been needing and thinking about it for years. No matter how much energy you feel right now, if keeping it up for one thing is difficult, imagine trying two or more.

Athlete running man

2. Start small

Even a single project can be a lot to start with.  Starting with a small part of a project will help you maintain the initial energy and get used to it. It’s like going to the gym and giving it your all the first day. A day or two later you will hardly be able to move.

3. Get out of your life those who stop your initiatives

Many will be those who tell you that you cannot or that this is no longer for you. Envy is powerful. People are not capable of assimilating that others may be capable of doing what they cannot or do not want.

Get out of your life those life suckers who feed on others to justify their miserable existence. You must deal with people who try to drag you into their drama, into neurosis, they exhaust their strength.


4. Design a plan

Any task that requires great willpower must be considered in context. Keep in mind that not all situations in your life are prone to carrying out these tasks.

To plan

To prepare and get in tune before starting your new routine, you must put yourself in the situation. To do this, it is a good idea to plan some time dedicated to yourself to put yourself in the situation and get all that mental energy you need.

5. Find your core values

When we take a path it is easy to stay on it if we know that what we are doing fits into our core values. By determining what our core values ​​are, we are less likely to act on impulse. When we do things impulsively we stop thinking and start acting emotionally.

With these 5 tips, you will be able to put your willpower ready to achieve everything you set your mind to. Putting all these points into practice without being overwhelmed and gradually introducing them as habits will help you deal with those situations in which your willpower falters.

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