5 Techniques To Deal With Teasing

5 techniques for dealing with teasing

How many times have you felt that you have been teased? Teasing is something that almost all of us have been through and that, at times, has plunged us into real self-esteem problems.

We have also made fun of other people, but when it happens to us we feel it more or worse. We must learn not to make fun of anyone and also to defend ourselves from the ridicules that are directed towards us.

When someone makes fun of us we do not respond or act in the way we should, something that today is going to change. Learn to cope with teasing!

1. I acknowledge my mistakes, but I don’t humiliate myself

woman with tree thinking about teasing

Teasing arises, sometimes, because we have made a mistake and that is something that people do not accept and make fun of. Human mistakes that we all make, but that we keep making fun of.

In our society we have been taught that making mistakes is something humiliating, something that we must avoid at all costs because it denigrates us, makes us feel weak and humiliates us in front of others.

We must learn not to feel humiliated by it, say “yes, I have made a mistake” but without humiliating you, but looking at it as an opportunity to learn something new.

Because, ultimately, that’s what mistakes are. Opportunities for growth and to be able to learn. Don’t mistake this for shame. It has nothing to do with it.

2. I do not give importance to the comments

We always tend to give too much importance to what other people think about ourselves. We take care of our image, our actions and still they judge us and make fun of us!

People’s comments can have very different objectives, but the important thing is that you do not give them the importance they do not deserve. Many comments will come from people who neither go nor come to you. Learn to ignore them!

3. I’m not going to try to win you

woman with game in hands remembering the teasing

A mistake that many times we make before people who make fun of us is to try to win them over, to make us their friends in order to stop the teasing that annoys us so much.

This is a very serious mistake. Make friends with your worst enemy? Do not fall for this, you will not be comfortable and you will actually find yourself pretending.

You will not be his friend and your desire to win him is only to avoid an evil that he causes you. Don’t you think it’s a bit of a coward? You are trying to choose the way that you consider easiest.

Learn to speak your mind, ignore that person, walk away, and confront him if necessary. You don’t deserve to be made fun of by anyone. Think that with this you will learn to see your mistakes differently and that is positive!

4. Today I will laugh at my mistakes

As we’ve already mentioned, we’re embarrassed by mistakes, but why don’t we try to learn from them? This will help us to mature, to grow and to be better people.

Start to think of mistakes as normal in the learning process and look indifferent at those who laugh at your mistakes. They will already learn to accept them and to know that they are good, as they are being for your development and for the achievement of your goals.

5. I will preserve and protect my good humor

girl with hoop running away from teasing

A smile will always be the solution to any problem. Learning to laugh at yourself is a very healthy step to prevent others from laughing at yourself.

Getting gloomy, angry, or letting other people’s words and teasing affect us will only cause us to empower those people.

It is difficult at times to keep a good face, but we must strive for it. Who knows you better than you? Others may laugh at you, but what they don’t know is that you are already laughing at yourself.

With this, you will see how you can look with different eyes all the comments and jokes that may be directed at you. Don’t let them affect you, don’t let them humiliate you. You are strong. You are yourself.

Images courtesy of Duy Huynh

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