7 Phrases Of The Tao To Evolve

The phrases of the Tao have to do with what the Orientals call “the flow of life.” The best path is the one that leads to inner peace and to travel it we must cultivate some values ​​and achieve balance.
7 phrases of the Tao to evolve

Most of the phrases of the Tao aim to point out some principles for good living. That is why a full existence is understood for those who live it and profitable for others. That is precisely the Tao, a catalog of teachings to elevate our passage through the world.

The word Tao can be translated as ‘way’, ‘doctrine’ or ‘method’ . It is present in several Eastern currents of thought, such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Zen. It seeks to illustrate the “natural order” of things and the harmonious functioning of the universe.

Many phrases of the Tao can be hermetic or difficult to understand . Others are very direct and clear. In both cases, what stands out is the purpose of condensing wisdom into maxims that are applicable to the daily life of any person. These are some of the most remembered statements of the Tao.

1. Accumulation

This is one of many phrases in the Tao that calls for detachment and independence from the material. It says the following: “ The wise man does not accumulate. The more he helps others, the more he benefits himself. The more he gives to others, the more he gets ”.

It means that this tendency to accumulate selfishly has only one destination: impoverishment. We can manage to concentrate a large amount of goods, but what is truly enriching is being able to share them with others; use them to support the growth of others.

Hands with a stone heart symbolizing the phrases of the Tao

2. One of the most remembered phrases of the Tao

This is perhaps the phrase of the Tao that has become the most popular and that has been repeated the most in all latitudes. It goes like this: “ If you give a hungry man fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach him to fish, you will nurture him all his life.

It means that the ideal is not to fill the deficiencies of those who are in a state of need. What is truly important is to show him the way so that he can obtain or achieve what he needs or requires.

3. Water and the Tao

There are many phrases of the Tao that establish a simile between the main values ​​of life and the teachings of nature. Taoists are convinced that nature has a perfect balance from which we can all learn.

This is clearly expressed in the following statement: “ The water is soft and docile. But mine and corrode the hard. In the expiration of the hard, she has no equals. The soft and the tender overcome the hard and the rude ”. In other words, what is apparently more fragile may finally be more powerful than what is supposedly stronger.

Waves in the water symbolizing the phrases of the Tao

4. The three treasures

One of the phrases of the Tao states: “ Here are my three treasures. Keep them well. The first is piety; the second, frugality; the third, the refusal to be the first of all things under heaven ”.

In this case, the Tao uses the word “mercy” in its meaning of “compassion.” This means that the three great virtues lie in being compassionate, generous and humble. These three virtues are also prominent in almost all the philosophical currents of the world.

5. On moderation

Balance in human life has to do with moderation. It is not about avoiding things, but about knowing how to give them their right value and their right place. Being deprived or exceeding something is what breaks that balance. And the latter is the one that ensures harmony.

The Tao indicates: “ Much you accumulate, much you will lose. Know the measure and you will avoid failures. Know the limits and there will be no risk. Thus you will spend your life in tranquility, without anguish! ”. It means precisely that it is the excesses that lead to losing inner peace.

person walking symbolizing the phrases of the Tao

6. Useless loyalties

This is one of the great teachings of Tao: “ Stop being faithful to the things you are attached to and you will free yourself from grief and self-pity! ”. What is most interesting about that statement is the fact that it associates grief and self-pity with attachment.

The statement means that dependency makes us blind followers of the dependency entity: be it an object, a person or a circumstance. That leads us to fear loss and, to that extent, leads us to feel lacking and conditioned by what we depend on.

monk at sunrise symbolizing the phrases of the Tao

7. Conquer yourself

This is another one of those great Tao phrases that is frequently quoted. He says: “ He who can conquer enemies is strong. He who has conquered himself is powerful ”.

It means that the main errors, limits and problems that we must deal with are those that live within us. Being strong is not overcoming others, but rather solving the difficulties that limit us and the obstacles that are within us.

The Tao has existed for thousands of years. It has influenced philosophies and religions around the world. Today its main teachings are still valid and continue to be a guide to live with greater wisdom and balance.

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