7 Questions To Get To Know You Better

7 questions to get to know you better

Sometimes, when we go to therapy, the psychologist asks us questions that force us to delve into ourselves. The same thing happens to us when we are with friends and the conversation becomes somewhat “deeper” or even when we read a book. Any moment can induce us to reflect if we are predisposed to it.

There are questions that confuse us because they contain keys and important issues that we have not yet explored. So many times we do not know how to answer. Here we propose 7 of those questions that will help you get to know yourself better. Discover them!

What is the aspect that you like the most about yourself? And the least?

These questions help us to know our perception of ourselves, that is, what is our level of self-esteem.

If you ask yourself these questions, you will discover how you value yourself.  If you do not know how to respond or do not identify any aspect, you may have to find a strategy or technique to improve your self-esteem. In fact, if you do, you will feel better about yourself, have more energy, and gain emotional stability.

Girl looking in the mirror

What four adjectives describe you best?

This is one  of the questions to get to know you better that they can perfectly ask you in a job interview. And it is not trivial. Depending on the order of your answers, this way they will know how you see yourself. Normally, it is common to answer “Responsible and serious” or “Worker, demanding and committed”.

We recommend that you look for originality, highlight something that highlights a virtue of yours, that you value a lot and that is your distinctive. For example, if you are cautious, emphasize that you are cautious. If you like to reflect and seek solutions, opt for analytical or decisive. If you like helping others, go for cooperative, empathetic, or compelling.

To respond properly you will have to connect with yourself. If you really want to know yourself, it is not worth saying the first thing that comes to mind. Stop, reflect and identify the adjectives that best describe you.

What do you need to be happy?

This is perhaps one of the best questions to get to know yourself better that you can ask yourself. If your answer is “Nothing, because I’m already happy”, Congratulations! That is because you have made happiness your state of mind. Obviously, 24 hours a day you can’t be wasting joy, but you can put the spotlight on your inherent worth.

You are grateful, you know how to focus on your priorities and give relevance to the things that really have it for you. You do not fight against your present, nor do you live in the past, but you know how to enjoy every moment.

If, on the other hand, you make a huge list of things that you need to be well, we suggest you make a reflection. Is it really so essential to have a title more, a bigger house, a more powerful phone or the fashionable car? The monetary value and the roles you play are not as important as your essence. True happiness is on the inside, not on the outside, don’t forget.

Happy woman representing live by your rules

If you could go back, would you change anything?

Surely we all regret some of our actions or how some events happened. It is unavoidable. Some people forget more easily than others and know how to banish anguish. Others do not. We suggest that you delve into those experiences that could have hurt you and talk about them. Pushing out the pain helps to overcome it.

If you are paralyzed by not having done something in the past, it is never too late. Nothing has been written about cowards. Of course, it is not advisable to recreate in the memory or in the regrets. The healthiest thing is to accept them, assume them and let them go. Now, if you think that this is not in your power, you can also help yourself from a psychologist.

What makes you angry the most?

Are you tolerant? Are you more upset with yourself than with others? How do you act when you get angry? All these questions to get to know yourself better are very useful in order to improve your interpersonal relationships.

If you know how you can react according to what things, you can transmit it to those around you and improve your coexistence. On the other hand, if you find that your anger style is too aggressive, you can try to express it verbally. No need to hurt the other, just showing your reasons and making yourself understood.

The question is that it identifies what stimuli or situations you tend to be bothered by in order, at the right moment, to implement a strategy. 

What would your friends say about you if we asked them these questions?

This question is closely linked to the idea of ​​making ourselves known. Are you reserved? Does your closest circle know what your dreams are, what you like and what you don’t like, what your ambitions are? In short, do they know you? You are still surprised by the answers they would give.

If you are too tight and can’t show yourself to others, you can try to think of the following. If your relationship with them is forged into a true friendship, they will sincerely care about you, they will want to understand you and not judge you, they will know how to listen to you. Your problems will be their problems, they will help you. Try to open up a bit more to them and you will notice their support.

Friends talking

Are you getting closer to your goal?

This is one of the questions to get to know you better that can give you the most. Do one last reflection, are you taking small steps to get closer to your goal or are you just getting carried away by day to day?

Unfortunately, winning the lottery is not in your hands, but deciding your path and how you want to be. You are the only owner of your life. Your decisions mark your future. Do not let anyone decide for you or let the routine show you the way. Do not be afraid of the big questions because their answers are the ones that trace main roads and paths, consistent and in tune with your essence.

Ask yourself these questions to get to know yourself better! Maybe after answering all these questions you realize that you have more power over what happens to you than you thought. Or quite the opposite. Perhaps it is the moment that you understand that in many of the results that you obtain chance or chance also plays an important role. In any case, remember: growing implies change and development. Dare yourself!

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