Find The Balance In You

Find the balance in you

Having balance in our life is very important to be healthy and achieve the desired happiness. In fact, happiness, more than a state of maximum exaltation, is a state of balance that can be found in all aspects of our life.

But how can we find this balance? It is something difficult, since every day is fraught with situations that destabilize us, that make us be at the lowest and then at the highest. Sometimes we manage to be balanced, but sometimes not so much.

Get excited every day

Girl leaning out of a window looking for balance

The imbalance begins when the illusion goes out the door. Being excited about our work, about the birth of a child, about the purchase of that car that you wanted so much … makes our life healthy, that we are healthy and balanced.

Think that you should not only cultivate your body, your mind and your emotions should also have the attention they deserve. You may eat well, you may take care of yourself physically, but if you lack enthusiasm you will notice how your life is not as full as it should be.

Over the years, we tend to lose hope. Do you see the children? They live continuously excited, but adults no longer. This is something we must change. Recover the illusion, because whoever is excited is much more likely to live healthier.

The illusions, in addition, will allow you to make your dreams come true. How? you will ask yourself. It’s simple, if you are excited about something, to achieve a goal, you will strive to achieve it. In addition, the illusion will give you the security to overcome any limit.

People who have courage are also more balanced and healthy. They fight for what they want to achieve, no matter what it costs, no matter how difficult it is to defend a cause. If they want to achieve something, they will fight.

In our lives we sometimes have to face situations that we don’t like at all. They can be lawsuits, family problems, delicate situations at work … In all these situations sometimes we have to fight, fight for what we want.

Every fight that we carry out will make us develop that courage that is inside us, but that sometimes is asleep. It is time for you to fight for what you want, because this will bring you health, but also balance in your life.

But having courage does not mean that you are not going to be afraid. You will always be afraid of an unknown situation or that you do not like. Ideally, if you find yourself balanced, your courage is much greater than your fear, overcome it so much that it does not affect you to fight for what you want.

Always be optimistic to achieve balance

Couple dancing showing emotional balance

A smile, a kind word, even when everything goes wrong and hopes are not encouraging, help. Being optimistic costs nothing, although it seems that it does because we insist on making misfortunes even worse.

So negative are we sometimes that even a broken glass can turn into the greatest catastrophe. We do not realize that we are not in full balance and that anything no matter how small makes the glass spill all the water it has.

Make an effort to be optimistic, because even in the worst moments there is something good. Have you had a stormy past? Have you had a hard experience? Surely you can get a lesson out of all this, a positive change for you and your life.

One of the problems we have is the tendency to dramatize many of the situations that we have to live. Therefore, before losing that balance you had and your own health, reflect on what is happening.

Everything is overcome and when we look back we realize that it has not been as bad as we thought. So, get ahead of this, calm down and think that everything will pass, like everything. Be positive. Only in this way will you be healthier, more balanced.

Images courtesy of Anna Dittman, Pascal Campion, Art Driev

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