31 Ways To Relax

31 ways to relax

There are different ways to disconnect and activities that allow you to relax,  during the weekend or on the days you have free. You probably already have some that you practice and that you know you feel good about.

However, surely you would not mind adding some more to your repertoire. Therefore, in this article we tell you 31 ways to relax, so you can choose the one you like the most.

Why it is important to take care of yourself

Many times we have the feeling that we  need to be productive all the time and always be 100%. With all the demands the world makes on us, we believe that we have to be perfect and leave no room to fail, rest, relax, or simply take care of our own needs.

However, many studies show that  when our own needs are covered we are much more capable of facing any difficulties that arise in our life. Therefore, learning how to take care of ourselves is essential.

Hand holding a heart

31 different ways to relax

A very effective way to take care of yourself can be to practice relaxation. However, simply relaxing may be a difficult task for some people. Thus, to make it easier, here we propose different ways to achieve it. Choose the one you like the most and start practicing it; very soon you will notice the benefits of doing so.

1.  Read (reading a book in bed is nice sometimes).

2. Sleep.

3. Write (diary, blogs, etc.).

4. Pray. For believers, prayer can be a very effective way to relax.

5. Go for a walk in company, with your dog or alone, as you prefer.

Woman walking on the beach couple relaxing

6. Photograph. Buy a good camera and take photos of nature, family and friends.

7. Exercise: swimming, yoga, walking, Tai Chi, running, Zumba, aerobics, cycling, walking, gymnastics, Pilates …

8. Go shopping.

9. Listen to music. Upbeat music can have a positive effect on mood, while slower-paced music can foster feelings of depression. There are times, however, when lower-tempo music can give you a sense of peace and tranquility.

10. Dancing: dancing allows you to connect with your body and with other people at the same time that you relax.

Woman dancing to relax

11. Sit by a stream, pond, beach, or river.

12. Play with your dog or cat.

13. Looking at a magazine with attractive images (looking at photos can give you a feeling of joy).

14. Look at photos or watch videos of your family and loved ones that make you smile and remember happy moments.

15. Seek personal therapy with a professional and discharge your emotions.

16. Play with your children or other children.

17. Become a mentor for young people in need : by offering your time you get your mind to keep your own needs out and help someone.

Happy traveler

18. Travel: This may simply mean going to a place that you do not visit regularly. Traveling gives you a new perspective on life.

19. Aromatherapy:  buy some sweet scents and spray them around your house.

20. Participate in an online discussion group.

21. Watch the cartoons! Silly as this may sound, cartoons are uplifting and can temporarily put you in another mindset, and even help you relive the joy you felt as a child watching them.

22. Get a manicure, pedicure, massage or a makeover. Taking care of yourself and looking more attractive will make you feel much better and will relax you.

23. Go on a picnic or have a barbecue with friends or family.

24. Spending time with someone you love.

25. Go to the movies.

Group of friends strolling

26. Go to dinner with your partner or friends.

27. Go partying  (take care of your health, don’t forget it).

28. To be in pajamas or clothes to be at home all day.

29 . Sing or hum (in the shower or while doing something, it doesn’t matter if you have a talent for it or not).

30. Check your social networks. On these platforms you can find great quotes and photos, and they also allow you to catch up on the events of your friends, family and acquaintances. Chat with those who are far away or have not seen for a long time.

31. Practice meditation.

Of course, there are many other ways to relax, but with the ones you found on this list, you can start improving your mood and your life today.

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