The Danger Of Making Decisions From A Feeling Of Lack

When we feel lacking, fear gains ground as an inspiration for decisions. When we feel abundant, it is easier for us to start working towards what we know we deserve.
The danger of making decisions from a feeling of lack

We have to face numerous decision-making, some of them so relevant that they can define our future. It is evident that at all times we try to make the choice that, we believe, is best for us. However, at times, we maintain a feeling of lack that prompts us to decide for the wrong reasons. 

It is not always easy to realize that it is this internal emptiness that moves us. But once you become aware, you find the freedom to build your path hoping for the best, not fearing the worst.

Therefore, in this article we are going to give the keys to identify and eliminate this great obstacle.

Sad woman

The feeling of lack in daily decisions

We have all faced vital situations that make us unhappy, but from which we are unable to get out. A job that we dislike and overwhelm us, an interested and selfish friendship, a partner that hurts us. Surely on countless occasions we have considered changing that reality, but something keeps us in it: the feeling of lack.

We can rationally justify our decision thinking that, deep down, it pays off. That is not so bad. But the underlying thought that we cannot detect is: I must conform because I cannot opt ​​for anything better. I must continue in this job that erodes my health because I will not find another. I have to put up with this unbalanced friendship because if not, I will be left alone. I can’t leave my partner, even if it hurts me, because who else would want to be with me?

These thoughts are really hard and, therefore, it is difficult to accept that we have them. It is not easy to recognize that, deep down, we do not feel deserving of something better. However, until we do so, self-sabotage will continue to keep us stuck in situations that make us suffer.

Decide from abundance

When we make decisions with a sense of lack of foundation, we choose with fear. Fear of something worse coming, fear of being left with nothing for having tried to achieve something else. The natural alternative to this process is making decisions from the feeling of abundance.

Choose with optimism, hope and conviction. Know that we deserve a good life and healthy relationships and act to provide them.

From this approach, the person is not afraid to let go of the thorn he is holding on to. He understands that there are other opportunities for him and that, in any case, it is better to remain empty-handed than full of wounds.

The individual in that position has the self-esteem and self-confidence to say “no.” It knows its worth so well that it does not remain in places where it is not recognized.

Thankful woman with closed eyes

How to eliminate the feeling of lack?

To prevent this feeling from dominating our decisions, we have to work fundamentally on two aspects: self-esteem and optimism. When we resign ourselves, when we conform out of fear, we are not loving ourselves.

Self-esteem consists of forging a healthy relationship with oneself, in which respect and support prevail. When loving you, it is more complicated for you to allow your limits to be transgressed, than to let behaviors that harm you pass. The key to finding the force that drives you to seek and hope for what you deserve is self-love.

On the other hand, optimism is essential to generate positive expectations for the future. Our mind is one of the greatest limiting elements: it convinces us that there are no other options, that we cannot choose what we want. When we develop optimism, we regain our power as owners of our future, we stop seeing ourselves as victims of circumstances to begin to feel capable.

Work daily to modify the messages that you address, do not listen to limiting statements, get out of the lack. Start talking about your ability, your bravery and your courage. Empower and motivate yourself to get out of what hurts you and move towards what you want, to believe that you deserve it.

Start by taking care of yourself and respecting yourself, in such a way that it is inconceivable for you to accept an environment that does not love and respect you in the same way. Start deciding from hope, abundance, and worthiness, rather than from fear, insecurity, and lack.

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