5 Lessons That Will Make You Stronger

5 lessons that will make you stronger

Being strong does not mean having the ability to lift weight like a bodybuilder, but the ability to cope with all of life’s circumstances. It may sound “idyllic”, however it is possible to get the strength to overcome all obstacles.

It is not enough to be aware of and have confidence in the skills we possess, but to know how to put them into practice when necessary. At the same time, we must work hard to develop new capacities that help us to be stronger.

Pay close attention to your expectations of people, events, and yourself. Over-optimism is not always a good thing because it can cause frustration if the task is not achieved.


Instead of completely changing and becoming a born pessimist, you can see life in a more realistic light. Without a doubt, this will allow you not only to achieve your goals but also to avoid the vulnerability and pain that bad news or disappointment can cause you.

Keep the following life lessons in mind. These teachings should be visible to all who want to be stronger, more proactive and aware:

1-Maybe there will be no tomorrow. What does this mean? Should we think that we will die soon? Not at all. What is important to remember is that the only thing we have “for sure” is the present. The past has already happened and the future is uncertain.

You may think that this is a sad lesson, but if you think about it coldly, you will realize that it is totally true. Do not plan a tomorrow that you do not know if it will come. Better focus on what happens today.

You can also think about the future, but that does not take away your ability to live in the present.


2-Life is not easy.  Who ever said it would be? We can’t achieve anything if we don’t sacrifice, work hard, and move toward what we want.

Only a handful of people in this world are “lucky” to do nothing and have everything served on a gold platter. However, is that what you want? think carefully about your answer …

If you build your existence day by day, you will be more aware of the things you have achieved and what it takes to be happy. So when something bad happens or you are going through a “bad streak” you will remember that the effort you have put in was worth it. Understanding this reality is a good way to become stronger.

3-It is impossible to control everything.  Being immersed in our comfort zone is the closest thing to having stayed in our mother’s womb … safe, calm, fed, happy … Come out of the shell!

Comfort and safety are for the weak, do you know why? because they do not dare to take one more step than they are used to, they do not seek to change their destiny, they feel satisfied with achieving a little, instead of making the effort to win big.

comfort zone

4-Being informed is not synonymous with being wise.  What good is it for us to spend our entire dinner listening to the news on television? “To be informed” is the first answer, and what does that mean? “Know what happens”, are you sure?

Life is about more than reports on the weather, changes in the economy, politics, royalty, and sports. And not to mention bad news such as robberies, murders and injustices! Unless you take that data and use it to found an NGO or help fight hunger, it is useless.

It is necessary to cultivate with texts that help you improve and increase your inner strength. Self-help or philosophy books are a good example.

5-You can not change the past.  The time machine has not yet been invented to go back several years. And if that were possible, what good would it do you?

One of the ways to be strong is to learn from mistakes. What you have done is done, it is impossible to modify it. It is up to you to know how to take advantage of that lesson and not repeat it again.

Furthermore, one of the meanings of this life is that if we are born again we will make the same decisions and make mistakes in the same way. Do not regret but act accordingly!

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