The Crisis Of Maturity

The crisis of maturity

Is there the crisis of 40 years? The midlife crisis or crisis of 40 years, appears in the period of life that is around 40 years, therefore maturity.

In life, we go through different stages and the transition between them can lead to a crisis, and although not all people experience personal crises in the same way, or at the same ages. In the same way, there was a major crisis in adolescence, when the young man considers his projection in life and reaffirms himself; on this occasion, when we reach maturity, we reflect on the life we ​​have been leading up to now, and we ask ourselves if this is how we want to continue living the rest of our lives.

What happens when you reach middle age?

Each person, depending on their own experiences and previous trajectory, their current circumstances and their own way of living life, will approach each stage in a different way and of course, its own personal crises.

The stage of maturity does not have to be exactly the one corresponding to 40 years of age, since we are talking more about a stage, that is, an evolution of maturity, and therefore, each person will live it according to their own personal process , although we are talking about 40 years.

In this stage, a series of circumstances occur, which accompany the personal crisis, such as the approach to menopause for women, deaths of people or close relatives, growth of children, maturity and search for job stability, the memory of old dreams not achieved …

This means a rethinking of life, and significant changes in the personal projection of life.

How will I live the crisis of 40?  It is a stage transition, where expectations of life are left behind, lived more since youth, and where other very different projections have to be accepted. It also means that models and values ​​of life that have served us up to now will begin to no longer be valid.

It is a stage to close the reproductive cycle, to assume and accept what has been achieved so far, as well as to rethink the decisions made so far in life, such as those made about work, the couple, the family …

It is a good time to question Happiness, Well-being and the meaning of life, since half of life has already passed, and we will only have, in the best of cases, little more than another half of life; It is the moment to be happy, to take charge, to seek personal fulfillment and a way of life that fully fills us.

Why do we have this crisis?

The crisis is necessary to become aware of the life we ​​lead and of aging itself, it also serves to begin to value those things that we used to see very far and that now, from this peak of life, we see increasingly closer.

Sometimes, the crisis comes presenting a major change in life, such as a change of job, place of residence, partner, or even with doubts about everything.

This, sometimes, occurs as a consequence of the crisis and the new decision-making, on the other hand, other times, the changes are the triggers that cause us to enter into crisis, rethinking our entire lives again.

How to face the crisis?

It is important to know how to identify the crisis, to grow and learn from it, because sometimes, what we need is not a change of life, but rather to assume and take control of the life we ​​lead, to become aware of what values ​​are those that maintain our life, and change them if they do not satisfy us or strengthen them to return with strength and security to the life we ​​have.

How long will the crisis last?

The crisis in this stage of maturity, in addition to the fact that it can appear over a decade, can also last several years, depending on how each person manages their emotions and how they act in their life, also depending on the decisions they make and of what changes he accepts or causes, seeking his Happiness in this second part of his life.


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