The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It

The best way to predict the future is to create it

There is no tarot that is worth it. Our destiny is not written in the stars, nor luck and chance will be who says where we should be. Do not expect that blow that will change your life when you least imagine it if you live crouched, because you cannot predict the future, but you must create a wonderful one for you and yours.

But remember that building a bright and hopeful future is not a one-day job. Not even God was able to create the world in a matter of hours, despite all the power that is given to him in the religious realms. So, think about it, don’t wait any longer and start making yours, or maybe tomorrow will be too late.

The opportunities of the future

The future is always uncertain. It presents itself full of opportunities, but they do not necessarily have to be positive. Anything can happen. However, it is up to us to turn the balance to one side or the other. In that sense, we do have the power to shape the future in our image and likeness.

Star trail

We could now differentiate between two types of people who look to the future. On the one hand we have those who allow themselves to be shaken by fate and blame chance and bad luck for their little fortune, compared to those who do not complain, grab the bull by the horns and look forward with hope and strength to change how much. they do not like it:

  • You will meet people who are easily swayed by fate and the future. Those who are constantly complaining about their bad luck and how much they suffer in life. People who are carried away by the majority, without being aware of it, without setting goals beyond what they will say.
  • On the other hand, you will discover a select group of people, much less nurtured than the previous one, who like to create their own future. People who enjoy their present, set goals, look with hope and work hard every day. They make their own future.

Close the doors and look ahead

If your life has gone wrong, the last thing you should do is stay stuck, in a permanent sleep phase, complaining about your misfortunes. In that case, you are leaving one door open, which will prevent others from opening. Think about it, because if that is what you want in your life, you can never be happy.

Open door

And it is that today, it is not easy to shape the future, but there are plenty of tools to work on hope, the achievement of objectives and achieving the goals that we have always dreamed of, but perhaps we have never believed so strongly as to go for them with determination and courage:

  • A great tool for creating your own future is by closing doors. Those people who only bring you negativity, those jobs in which you feel neglected, the relationships that make you bitter and make you unhappy … Slam what holds you back in the past, because only then can you look to the future.
  • On the other hand, it is very important to believe in yourself and your own dreams. If you think that your wishes are stupid, unrealizable and impossible to fulfill, rest assured that they will never come true. But, if you take them as your goal in life, setting intermediate goals and going for them with confidence and honesty, nothing can stop you.

Look inside to make your dreams come true

To conclude, I propose a profound act of reflection. Look inside yourself, deep in your heart. Be honest with yourself and start spending a few minutes every day now.

In them, you must begin to remove from your soul everything that makes you unhappy and holds you back in the past, and put in place the tools to see your dreams and desires come true. Be strong, determined, courageous, and persistent. I wait for you in the future.

Image courtesy of Pete Revonkorpi

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