5 Tips To Overcome Your Fears

5 tips to overcome your fears

Fears are one of the greatest barriers that we find ourselves to be able to live a full existence achieving our dreams, goals and what we want to achieve. And it is paradoxical because numerous psychological studies have shown us that its origin depends on ourselves.

Before continuing with the article, I would like you to stay with the idea that “the power is in your hands” … But,  how can we defeat them? Where is the secret? Next I will tell you 5 ways to overcome them …

Be clear about a positive and concrete motivation

It is true that becoming self-confident and self-aware takes a lot of time and life experience. But we can jump a bit ahead and get into  the habit of replacing some of your negative thoughts with clear, positive responses that will put you into action. An exercise to carry out this highly recommended point:

  • Take 5 minutes.
  • Get a pencil and paper
  • Visualize all the positive changes in your life that would allow you to overcome those fears and write them down.

This simple task will generate enough motivation for you not to stay  “on the bench”  without starting to take steps. The fact of sitting down letting the opportunities go by, feeds back the  negativity,  making you perceive your desires and goals more distant.

Joyful girl present

Therefore, choose your positive motivation and go to defeat your fears. If you never set your mind to it, you will never get it. Stop, reflect on them now …

Keep in mind that in failures there are great opportunities

Socially they teach us that failing or making mistakes is something very negative for us, a personal shame or that we simply do not have the right to make mistakes. This teaching made us fear of being confused , of being rejected by others just for thinking differently from the rest, seeing successes where people do not see them.

The gift I give you today is the belief that failure is not wrong. If you are aware of this vital learning, your life will take an enormously positive turn.

Perceive failure as a life partner who has a lot to teach and tell you. Improve, perceive those new limits that it makes you develop and test, take a risk. Many of the best human beings we know were successful thanks to “trial and error” methodology  .

Build in small steps

It is a good habit to overcome fear, since it allows us through small actions to gradually leave our comfort zone, without major changes. The latter are the ones that generate anxiety, since our body needs a period of emotional adaptation, and more so when we talk about overcoming a personal fear of so long.

Take actions little by little. For example, if you are afraid of speaking in public or talking to someone, it may be because you feel insecure when it comes to “what others will think”. You can get into the habit of saying “hello” several times and, the following times, you will use broader options such as asking for the time, directions, talking about the time … Little by little and taking it as a game, without pressure and in a healthy way you will overcome it.

Live the present and now

Living in the present is one of the most necessary points in our day to day and that many times we ignore without being aware. Being here and now allows us to focus on what we want and begin to act accordingly, starting a “royal” path that will lead us to personal success. It is not worth just staying dreaming, the first step is to start working on it.

Red flower in hands

Not getting caught up in past fears is essential, as they have already taken place. Nor is it good to stay thinking only about the future without taking actions, it may never come as we think, and even more if we do not act …

Redefine your life and yourself

The last tip is that to overcome your fears you have to take responsibility and commitment to redefine yourself, as well as your life. You must be willing to go to action, to act.

Nobody is going to do it for you, and nobody is going to know better than you what you need at all times inside to move forward. You can ask for advice, of course you do, but listen to yourself and stop to reflect on what your heart asks of you.

Try new things. It is clear that if you always go the same way, you will never allow yourself to change and find new clues that will lead you to your desired destination.

And above all, believe in yourself. It is the best advice you can hear. It all starts with you, whatever you want. Your dream. If you are capable of visualizing it, you are also capable of feeling it and living it.

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