Even If You Know It, It Is Useless If You Don’t Feel It

Even if you know it, it's no use if you don't feel it

How many times have you known what you were capable of, but have you been unable to carry out that project you had? On many occasions, you cannot feel that push that prevents you from staying stagnant and enduring a situation in which you are not comfortable. Therefore, even if you know everything you can achieve, it is useless if you do not feel it, if you do not find that emotional charge from which the necessary energy emanates to move forward.

This may not only happen to you in the professional field, but also in the family one. For example, if you are aware that with your partner there is nothing more than a friendship, but you do not really feel it, you will maintain this relationship for years even, until the situation itself forces you both to break the relationship.

The question that may arise is why is this happening to me? Emotions are very important to make decisions and choose according to which path. It may be that one of the reasons why, despite knowing what you should do, you are not able to carry it out, is because your emotions are not collaborating: fears, beliefs and insecurities may be pushing you back.

If you don’t feel it, you can’t set limits

Even if you know that your boss is not giving you the working conditions you deserve, even though you are aware that you want to leave your partner because you are no longer well together, all this is useless if you do not feel it. You will continue in the same situation, without taking that much-needed step to experience the life you long for.

On many occasions, it seems that we are tied, as if a destiny already written pushes us to experience certain experiences without us being able to do anything. The big problem lies in believing that this is true. Well, with a single decision, the course of events, with the associated inertia, can take a 180ยบ turn.

woman surrounded by light bulbs thinking that you are not sorry

We can see this very well with the examples that we have previously described. Why put up with that boss who doesn’t treat us well? Why maintain a relationship that is adrift? We would have to direct all these questions towards more essential ones. What am I afraid of? What am I trying to avoid?

Most likely, we have a strong insecurity that weakens our resolve to use our efforts to find another job or a great fear of not finding another partner. Fears, addiction to that feeling of security that attachment produces and the harmful behavior of staying in our comfort zone prevent us from feeling what we know, to take the necessary impulse and change our situation.

Emotions are our engine

Emotions are like our engine to get going. Surely we can remember at least one time when we have acted without thinking. At that time, we didn’t even need to process in depth what we had to do. Our body moved for it, took the initiative, without thinking about whether it could go wrong or right. He took a risk.

However, we tend to give our thoughts a lot of priority, appeasing what we feel and not giving it the importance that it really has as a force to move, to get going. What’s more, we usually silence what we feel, making a great effort not to take the step, showing ourselves as we are and choosing to act according to beliefs and reference models that we have in our mind.

woman in blue dress thinking that you are not sorry

It is necessary that we learn to manage our emotions, that we begin to listen to them, pay attention to them and allow them to express themselves. The balance between reason and emotion is key to making good decisions. Even to be able to face certain fears that are only the result of beliefs installed in the mind. The mind can be wrong, but the emotions often speak very clearly.

If you know what you have to do, but you are not able to carry it out because you do not feel it, it is time for you to start working to change all this. It is not easy to modify certain patterns of behavior that are repeated over a long period of time. However, with help and a little willpower on your part, you can achieve wonderful results.

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