The Most Beautiful Person In The World

The most beautiful person in the world

Sorry, but there is no contest that determines who is the most beautiful person in the world. Far from what we usually see, read or hear, beauty is an attitude. Something more internal than we used to believe. And is that beauty understood as symmetry is overrated and makes us waste so much time chasing aesthetic canons that perhaps along the way we are forgetting the real thing. The important thing.

There is a lot of beauty in the world. I would say a lot. Human beings are capable of finding beauty in almost any expression of art, thing or being. We have the ability to perceive it and the passion to admire it. But when we talk about people, the concept is distorted. We forget that every person can be beautiful regardless of their physique. Far beyond the banality of a carcass.

The most beautiful person is brave

Being brave does not mean living without fear. It means to stop running to meet him and thus be able to overcome him. It is part of the decision to give ourselves our rightful place in the world (our world). It starts from listening and respecting ourselves, and brings us closer to what we want to become. Here are some of the benefits that courageous people enjoy:

They listen and validate their feelings

Far from running away from what they feel, they take advantage of their emotions to understand and know themselves. They accept both positive and negative emotions without judging themselves for what they feel. When we name our fears and insecurities, we can reflect on them and where they lead us. In addition, this allows us to act from coherence and balance.

Paper heart in hand representing love

They accept responsibility for their actions

They do not lament or seek guilty. They focus on what they can improve and work to do so. When we feel that we have made a mistake or live something in terms of injustice or failure, the attitude we adopt is a personal decision: to recover and try new options or alternatives. Everyone is wrong, but not everyone persists. How do you deal with “failure,” failure or error?

They position themselves in the face of changes

Changes are part of life and resisting them means, in some way, facing a very powerful current. Brave people strive to make changes – that occur in their environment, and therefore do not choose – opportunities that serve as springboards for growth. A change is scary, but when we avoid it and move away from what we feel, we stop flowing.

They understand that it cannot rain to everyone’s liking

No one can please everyone and please himself. It is logical that we care about the opinions of the people we love …, but putting them before what one thinks and feels as a general rule is the same as relegating ourselves to the background. It is important to try to maintain a certain fidelity to yourself; This does not mean having to hurt others, but rather ensuring that we do not hurt ourselves.

Boy looking out the window

Make decisions

Sometimes it is easier to let ourselves be carried away by inertia, even though it does not bring us closer to what we would like to feel or where we would like to be. Brave people make decisions. Decisions tend to scare us and this is normal: choosing one path means discarding the others. However, we need to decide to move forward. We need to decide to move forward. And you, do you keep taking an important decision over time?

The most beautiful person is natural

Sometimes we need to make a particularly important decision: to move away from expectations, comparisons, and demands in order to be ourselves. Be without sweeteners, preservatives or additives. To be ourselves, without more. No less. Doing this does not mean distancing ourselves from people or from the usual contexts. It means getting closer to ourselves.

Woman walking through the field in autumn

When this happens, our eyes usually meet with resistance, but in the long term the views become much more harmonic landscapes. In the process you realize all the time that you have neglected yourself. Then you pick yourself up, hug yourself and decide to take care of yourself as you deserve: with love. As time goes by, you begin to be more sensitive to the beauty within you. You understand that beauty is neither gained with creams nor is it lost over the years. That beauty consists of thinking less and flowing more. In being natural.

When you forget about filters, looks and opinions. When you find a way to put yourself in the foreground and claim the leading role in your story. When you are brave and you listen to yourself, you become the most beautiful person in the world for the one who is always with you: you.

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