Learn To Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Learn to cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence determines the way we relate to and understand the world. It takes into account attitudes and feelings, and encompasses skills such as impulse control, self-motivation, confidence, empathy, self-awareness and, above all, it constitutes the necessary resource to offer our inner potential in a brilliant way.

We are increasingly aware of the importance of the use and learning of Emotional Intelligence in our lives, since it constitutes an indispensable ingredient for success in our personal relationships  and any area of ​​our life.

What does it mean to be an emotionally intelligent person?


Woman with multiple faces representing emotional intelligence

Be aware of your own emotions

Identifying our own emotions, when evaluating past situations, requires a primary emotional intelligence. If we take into account the phrase Whoever is not aware of their emotions is at the mercy of them ” we refer to the importance of distinguishing a feeling while it is taking place. This action supposes a developed emotional intelligence.

Manage emotions

It means the ability to control impulses to suit a goal. This is a skill that can be trained and developed, and involves being able to generate positive emotional states and control negative ones.


Emotions put us in motion. Therefore, developing the ability to be enthusiastic about what we have to do to give the best of ourselves and in the best way, improves the performance of any task that we want to undertake.


It is the name given to the aptitude that involves recognizing the emotions of others. It allows us the ability to “feel inside” of ourselves what the other feels. The key to being people with high empathy lies in knowing how to interpret body language with skill.

Manage relationships positively

The last ingredient of Emotional Intelligence is learning to control our emotions and those of the people around us in a positive way. We are not talking about negative manipulation, we are talking about anticipating negative events and avoiding them taking into account the people we care about.

The expert in Emotional Intelligence Harvey Deutschendorf points out that people with a great development within this type of intelligence, achieve better results in terms of quality of life.

Do you want to enhance and increase your Emotional Intelligence?

It is possible to achieve this with a little effort. You just have to follow these 7 daily habits :

1. Surround yourself with positive people

Negative people can generate a great loss of energy. Spending time with positive people makes you perceive and value the good side of life more. It fosters a greater joy for living and increases  being positive  in the face of adversity, providing you with tools to overcome everyday obstacles.


2. Set limits and be firm when necessary

It is very important to know how to set limits and you must assert yourself when the situation requires it, but it is very important not to forget education and knowing how to be when we do.

Thinking before speaking is essential and stopping to “understand our emotions” is a required task.  Knowing how to say “No” is essential.

3. Dare to leave the past behind

Think ahead and leave the past where it belongs. In mistakes there is immense learning. Before blaming yourself or hurting yourself, stop to reflect and bring out the “good side” of the situation. Everything happens for something”.

4. Make your life happier and happier

Find out what amuses you or bring out a smile and integrate it into your daily habits to generate greater happiness and joy. It will allow you to feel more fulfilled and at ease, even being able to brighten the day of the people around you unconsciously.

5. Choose wisely how to spend your energy

Woman with balloons happy and showing emotional intelligence

Learn to manage conflicts with others and value your personal achievements. Assess the  why” of things and ask yourself how to improve yourself day by day.  Mistakes allow us to improve ourselves, never block ourselves or make us stay there. This will help us to know how to use our personal energy in a productive way.

6. Focus on the positive

Don’t spend too much time on negative things and situations. That does not mean that you do not take responsibility for your actions, but it does mean that you try not to focus only on “the bad” and look beyond.

Look for solutions to problems, focus on your potentials and everything you are capable of doing, which is much more than you probably think.

7. Never stop wanting to learn new things

Being constantly growing, open to new ideas and being willing to learn from others allows us to develop our Emotional Intelligence and social skills. All of the above allows us to trust ourselves and make the best decision for ourselves.

Integrating these small healthy and positive habits in our life allows us to enjoy and develop greater Emotional Intelligence. Obviously, you need time to make them familiar to you, but as soon as you get down to work, you will have results when you least expect it.

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