Achieve Success With Creative Visualization

Creative visualization is a simple tool to design the life you want and make it tangible.
Achieve Success with Creative Visualization

Our mind is powerful. Our thoughts, and the emotions that derive from them, have the ability to modify our tangible reality. All this, of course, through our actions. However, creative visualization is a simple tool that can consistently help us build the present we want to live.

As a general rule, we use our minds to think about what is already happening. We reflect on the aspects of our life that are not working the way we want, and we worry about it. In this way we are investing all our energy in mentally feeding a situation that we do not like. If we start directing our potential towards creating (in imagination) what we want, this will eventually become tangible.

Woman with limited thinking

How does creative visualization help us?

Focus us on opportunity

Has it ever happened to you that, when some object or element arouses your interest, you start to see it everywhere ? For example, when you are trying to be a mother, suddenly you start to see many more pregnant women. Or when a certain car catches your eye, you start to find it wherever you go.

This happens because we are designed to detect what we focus our attention on. In this way, whatever occupies your thoughts will be much more easily detected in your physical world. Who constantly thinks about difficulties, finds them; just as someone who is used to thinking positive always finds reasons for joy.

Knowing this, you can decide what thoughts you want to nurture your mind with. If you frequently visualize your dream job, your brain will be much more alert to related situations and options. If you keep the image of a chivalrous man, it will be easier for you to identify him before others who do not meet that characteristic.

Man with creative visualization

Helps us transform content

Surely, if you reflect, you will find that in some areas of your life a pattern repeats itself. Perhaps many of the friends you have have betrayed you, several of your partners have been indifferent or whenever you have set yourself a goal you have fallen before achieving it.

These repetitions are not the result of chance, they come from your beliefs. In a more or less direct way, what we think finds its way to manifest before our eyes. Thus, perhaps, your conviction that people are not to be trusted leads you to approach (unconsciously) those who fulfill your belief. Or your thought that you are lazy and fickle takes away your motivation to persevere. Be that as it may, what you thought ends up being corroborated.

We have to remember that our reality aligns with our thoughts. So let’s try to fill our mental space with affirmations and positive images that are consistent with what we want to obtain. Creative visualization helps us to implant and root these scenes to keep them more present throughout the day.

Woman with positive attitude to achieve success

Brings imagination closer to reality

It has been shown that thinking about an action causes similar effects in the body to taking it. For example, when a person imagines a tall building, his eyes move as if he were really looking at that construction. Thus, imagining ourselves being sociable and spontaneous will be, for our brain, like an event that has happened. A kind of practice that is stored in our memory. So when we put it into practice in reality, we will start from that experience.

How to apply creative visualization?

Find a quiet space and get into a comfortable, relaxed position. Close your eyes and begin taking diaphragmatic breaths. Next, to train your visualization skills, imagine objects or rooms that you already know. For example, visualize your office and mentally review each element that makes it up.

Once you master the ability to visualize and sustain the scene, start applying it to create what you want. Imagine yourself in your desired situation (working in a larger office, or watching television with a partner you love). Visualize the details, the colors, the smells, the temperature. Feel as vividly as possible that you are in these circumstances.

Then focus on the emotions it awakens in you : pride in having achieved promotion, or happiness and fulfillment in having found love. Hold that emotion for a long time. If you practice this exercise at least twice a day and are persistent, you will see how the changes begin to happen.

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