The 10 Attitudes That Hurt The Most

There are attitudes that lead to negative consequences that significantly limit our lives.
The 10 attitudes that do the most damage

Some attitudes do more harm than others. We are not only talking about the damage that is caused to others, but also to those who cultivate and implement them, which in most cases they could manage.

Nobody is perfect, and that is clear, but for the same reason, the most reasonable thing is to work to evolve, especially in those attitudes that do the most damage. It is obvious that this task will never be completely completed, but with the daily effort it is possible to pacify, at least, those dark aspects of our personality.

There are attitudes that do more harm because they intoxicate relationships  with others and lead to destructive logics. Sooner or later they reach the one who drives them and, at the end of the day, they lead to conflicts and suffering that can well be avoided. Those are 10 of those attitudes.

Woman with destructive pride

1. Authoritarianism

The authoritarianism  is a trait that leads to wanting enforcer others. It is typical of those who lack empathy and respect for others.

It does not appear only in the great areas of power, but in all social spaces, including the family. It leads to the destruction of cooperation, solidarity and autonomy.

2. Cruelty

Cruelty is characterized by deliberately hurting others for no other purpose than causing suffering. It is believed that this attitude is only present in psychopaths, but it is not.

Bullying is a good example of cruelty in people who are perfectly aware of what they are doing. It is typical of those who have not managed to develop affectively.

3. Aggression, one of the most damaging attitudes

The aggressiveness  is the tendency to attack or confront others with anger. It is very common that it is associated with a lack of self-control and is typical of insecure or very scared people. It is also a trait that is often repeated mechanically, when breeding took place in an aggressive environment.

4. Envy

Sometimes it is believed that the envious man wants what another has, but this is not so accurate. What happens to those who envy is that they suffer when another is happy.

What is envied is not what the other is, or has, but their satisfaction in being or possessing something. It is characteristic of those who lack self-esteem.

5. Arrogance

Arrogance is a subjective conviction that a person feels superior to others. Consequently, he despises others.

Often times, this apparent feeling of superiority is due to its opposite. In other words, arrogance is usually a way to compensate for an unconscious feeling of inferiority or helplessness.

6. Selfishness

Selfishness has to do with caring only for yourself and looking out only for your own needs and ambitions. It could also be defined as the inability to see beyond one’s own self.

Selfish people hardly establish an intimate bond with others.  Your ego becomes your prison. It is typical of those who have not managed to mature emotionally.

7. Intolerance

Intolerance is the inability to accept and respect difference from others. This difficulty usually arises from insecurity and fear.

It is typical of those who make prejudice their way of thinking and have not built firm convictions. The bigot easily becomes authoritarian and aggressive.

8. Fanaticism

Fanaticism is another of the most damaging attitudes and could be defined as an exacerbation of intolerance.

The fanatic reduces his options of thought to a few dogmas. He persists in them because they give him a feeling of security. You don’t really trust them and so you refuse to debate or question what you think.

9. Pessimism

Pessimism is a drag that grows fat over time. It has to do with an expectation of harm or suffering to come.

Pessimism often masks a fear of acting out of lack of self-confidence. Over time and often, it becomes an automatism that leads to conformity and passivity.

Woman with a cloud in her hands to represent circular thoughts

10. Superficiality

Superficial people live in a world of appearances. They cannot go beyond what they perceive, that is, they cannot abstract reality. This banality is the result of a lack of training and reflection and leads to highly distorted impressions. In turn, it generates insecurity, leading to dependence on the judgment of others.

These are just some of the most damaging attitudes. Surely the list is broader, but in this selection are those that stand out for their destructive potential. These are weaknesses that we would do well to try to overcome if we detect them in ourselves to improve the quality of our emotional life.

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