Can White Noise Help Us Sleep Better?

White noise is one of the variables that has received more attention lately as a means of improving our concentration. Now, what do we know about her?
Can white noise help us sleep better?

More and more people testify to the benefits of white noise. They claim that it promotes relaxation and meditation, improving concentration and cognitive abilities. Especially highlights the use of these sounds to help us fall asleep and maintain sleep, being used in both adults and young children.

Thus, many parents turn to white noise to calm their babies and improve their rest. Well, according to what they say, it creates a relaxing atmosphere that is ideal for sleeping better. But can white noise really help us do it?

If so, we would be facing the salvation of the growing number of people who suffer from a sleep disorder. If you want to know more about it, we invite you to continue reading.

Woman with sleep problems in bed

What is white noise?

Like light, sound can also be represented on a spectral graph. In this way, just as white is the sum of all the remaining colors, white noise integrates the entire spectrum of existing sound frequencies. And it does it, in addition, in a harmonic way, producing that no sound stands out above another.

The result is a consistent and uniform sound, similar to what an untuned television or radio can produce. A murmur in the background like that emitted by certain electrical appliances in operation, such as the washing machine or the dryer. Or also comparable to the natural sound of rain or wind.

How does white noise help us sleep better?

The main positive effect of white noise on our sleep comes from its ability to mask other sounds. In this way we avoid being startled by traffic, construction sites or any other disturbing stimulus.

The relaxing effect that occurs can be especially beneficial for babies, and people who are a light sleeper in general. Thanks to white noise, the rest of the sounds are blocked (or perceived in less intensity) preventing them from stimulating our cerebral cortex.

Likewise, people who suffer from tinnitus or tinnitus can take advantage of this resource to achieve better quality sleep. The presence of these continuous beeps can be increased at bedtime due to the prevailing silence.

Do you have contraindications?

However, not all benefits. It is not a suitable and favorable resource for all people. It is especially discouraged for those who suffer from sleep apnea and respiratory problems, but if it is used in excess it can be harmful for anyone.

Continuously applying white noise every night can damage our hair cells, which are responsible for capturing sounds. In addition, the constant presence of noise will keep them active and prevent them from efficiently performing the necessary regeneration work that takes place when sleeping.

If we talk about using it with babies, we have to be especially careful. Listening to too high a volume could damage your hearing and increase the risk of language development problems.

Baby sleeping

How should we proceed?

There is still not enough scientific evidence to support the benefits of white noise on sleep. However, if it generates a pleasant sensation in you, you can use it in moderation. Try to limit its use to specific days when it is especially difficult for you to fall asleep. And, also, try not to listen to it too loud.

The same recommendation is applicable to the little ones. If white noise calms your child, save this resource for specific times when nothing seems to calm him down. However, do not get in the habit of constantly exposing him to these types of sounds.

To get a good rest, it is best to maintain good sleep hygiene habits. Establish fixed times for going to sleep and getting up, avoid stimulating foods and drinks during the second half of the day, and make sure your bedroom environment is appropriate.

If you have major difficulties or a sleep disorder, it is best to see a specialist. He will be able to provide you with the guidelines and procedures necessary to improve your rest. White noise can be a one-time alternative, but not a long-term remedy.

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