Transformational Leadership: What Does It Consist Of?

The transformative leader is one who knows how to inspire the group. It is also the figure that delegates responsibilities so that others dare to take risks on their own and bring greater innovation to the company.
Transformational leadership: what does it consist of?

We need transformational leadership. In times of change, in times of crisis and in highly complex contexts, figures capable of inspiring others not only to favor adaptation to these variations in the environment are more decisive than ever. If there is something extraordinary, it is to face these new times with innovative decisions.

The concept of transformational leadership first appeared in the mid-20th century. It was James V. Downton, a renowned sociologist, who coined this term which, in reality, did not begin to gain any real interest until the late 1980s. Bernard M. Bass, a scholar of industrial and organizational psychology, developed this idea much more, to further back it up with important scientific data.

Today, it makes more sense to apply this kind of approach in the area of ​​leadership. It is about neither more nor less than fostering a business culture in which work groups are increasingly autonomous, responsible and motivated to overcome difficulties, dare to take risks and achieve success.

group of people representing transformational leadership

What is transformational leadership?

Democratic, autocratic leadership, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership. There are many ways to lead and not all are valid or effective. Each organization, in reality, fosters a type of management structure and, as we well know, they do not always promote either a good work environment or improvement in production or innovation to position itself in a market.

Sadly, the classic authoritarian management continues to abound vertically with which to differentiate the boss from the employees. In these types of scenarios, in reality, there is no leader. There is a figure who uses his authority to impose ideas, to direct employees in the purest traditional style.

Large companies know that this model does not work and that, more than bosses, what is needed are good leaders, people capable of inspiring and transforming. Thus, in recent years , we have already seen certain changes, such as the introduction of transactional leadership.

It is a model in which you limit yourself to motivating the employee through financial incentives. All effort is rewarded financially and, in this way, productivity is obviously improved. However… is this the most desirable model?

For experts like Bernard M. Bass, cited above, the answer is no. It is necessary that transformational leadership begins to be applied because it is this, and not another, is the best way to put a company ahead of the others.

A transformational leader is someone who …

According to Dr. Bass, a person with these leadership skills is defined by the following:

  • It is capable of motivating and instilling a positive spirit in the work environment.
  • It is a clear example of the values ​​that exemplify the organization itself: someone dynamic, with clear moral, ethical, creative principles, skilled in emotional intelligence and good communication.
  • Foster a work environment where priorities are clear.
  • Trust the capabilities and potential of employees.
  • It encourages them to think of the company as something that is part of themselves.
  • It emphasizes authenticity, cooperation, respect, and open communication.
  • Provides training and mentoring.
  • Create harmony.
  • It helps people to make decisions for themselves.
  • It encourages them to take responsibility for their tasks.
  • It makes work easy and motivating by creating a climate in which it is exciting to be able to contribute ideas to improve innovation.
group of people working

How do you develop this type of leadership?

According to Bernard Bass, transformational leadership has 4 components, which are often referred to as “the four I’s.” We analyze them.

Idealized influence (II)

The leader is the model and the best example to be followed by the entire organization. Not only does he lead by example, he has a firm conviction in what he can achieve and that impacts others. He is a man or a woman who inspires because he believes in what he does and what he wants to achieve.

Likewise, this type of leader expects his team to also develop those same qualities, hence it is transformative, because it encourages others to change, guides them, tutores them …

Individualized consideration (IC)

Transformational leadership is also compassionate leadership. It is because he cares individually about each person, he connects with each employee in an authentic way because what he wants is for them to realize themselves. A trained and satisfied person, happy in that work scenario, is someone with great value, human capital and importance for the organization itself.

Inspirational motivation (IM)

Leading is, above all, motivating and motivating, it is knowing how to give reasons for each person to strive, face challenges, surpass themselves and be able to always give their best. In this way, something that differentiates transformational leadership is that it manages to impact people in a simple but forceful way.

The objective is to get everyone to commit to the objectives of the organization so that, in turn, they feel free to propose new ideas, make decisions for themselves.

Intellectual stimulation (IS)

There is a really interesting aspect of transformational leadership. These types of leaders challenge their employees with the aim of stimulating their creativity, so that they go beyond the ordinary and achieve the extraordinary. Something like this is only achieved through trust, through the ability to place responsibilities in them and also through great intellectual stimulation.

As we can see, this approach is as interesting as it is revealing, and it should undoubtedly be the business policy that defines each scenario and organization. Thus, the figures that study this theory point out that an example of this type of leader is found in Nelson Mandela. He himself used the principles of transformational leadership to abolish apartheid and promote change in South Africa.

And indeed, I do. He is undoubtedly a great reference that should serve as inspiration.

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