My Validation Of Sadness

My validation of sadness

My sadness is part of me, whether I like it or not, it is deeply rooted in me, we have always been traveling companions, and it has been witnessing all my lived moments, either as a spectator or as a protagonist.

Me and my sadness have developed and grown together. The experiences and learnings have made us mature until we transform ourselves in each new stage. We have sculpted what we are today.

The sadness in its beginnings

At first I did not understand it, I did not understand why it had to appear and what its function was, since it considered that it did not bring me anything good or beneficial for me.

In its early stages, it became a misunderstood, repressed emotion. I made a great effort to keep it hidden, hiding it from every situation I might experience. In many moments she needed to manifest herself, she became uncontrollable, and I resisted, believing that her intervention was only going to make things worse.

My unmanifested, secluded sadness was still very immature, since I had not given it the opportunity to express itself, to learn and to free itself. My sadness became confused, I no longer knew when to intervene, what was his moment, or what was his purpose and his path.


Many situations in my life required her, they gave way for her to take control, however, the sadness towards a fleeting appearance, I did not know how to remain, or stay in the situation. I was totally lost. The other emotions assumed their role in an awkward and inappropriate way.

This led to misunderstandings with other people, that I was not in tune with what I felt, giving an image that was not in connection with my internal state. Which caused me great discomfort, leaving me disoriented and confused. With a suffering that did not know where it came from.

Sadness in its mature stage

New stages and circumstances of maturity occurred in my life. The own personal development, the experiences and openness to the emotions, gave the opportunity to the sadness to rediscover itself. His short-lived appearances were on each occasion, becoming more durable.

The sadness was gathering strength, it was maturing, learning what its function was.

In turn, I was understanding that sadness was not a bad emotion, but rather a necessary emotion, which would guide me towards my needs; allowing me to really grow as a person.

I realized that my sadness gave me a multitude of possibilities that I would never have imagined before. It was helping me to maintain more authentic relationships with other people. As my sadness matured, the other emotions matured and acquired greater value.

As a whole, each of my emotions was able to appear when the situation required it, without having to play a role that was not theirs, each one assumed its role. And in this way , harmony, fluidity, naturalness and spontaneity began to appear.


Accepting sadness

I was becoming a more authentic, more honest being; with values ​​that indicated to me that what was really important was not what happened outside of me, in the circumstances, but in how I felt what was happening around me. Having the power to choose the attitude always accompanied by my emotion.

This was a liberation, I was no longer totally dependent on the circumstances, I was not tied to them.

An event could happen in my life that would make me very sad, and yet I could accommodate my sadness, letting it feel with me. And in turn, let the other emotions also appear.

In collaboration, all emotions had their space, they had a place. None of them were taking over and taking full control anymore. So they could appear as required without fear of stagnation.

Currently, when there is a stage in my life where sadness is more required, because of how I feel, I attend to my sadness learning from its indications, allowing it to express itself. I listen to it, I value it and I understand it, thanks to this I do not judge myself and I remove unnecessary suffering from myself.

This is my statement; where I validate my sadness, I let myself be in it, living and growing together. Thus, my sadness frees me from fear, from suffering; and of a great discomfort that has nothing to do with her. I accept it so that it does not stagnate, so that it allows me to experience with greater courage and intensity everything that happens in my life.

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