What Are The Signs That Tell Us That We Are Facing A Person Who Wants To Die?

What are the signs that tell us that we are facing a person who wants to die

The desire to die is represented by the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction that the person presents with their  current way of life. Thus, it can be expressed in phrases such as: “life is not worth living”, “what I want is to die”, “to live like this, in this way I prefer to be dead.”

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has just published the bitterest data so far known. In the last seven years the biggest cause of death in Spain was suicides. The data is worrying because it is the highest rate in the last seven years and because its trend is upward.

In 2011 3,180 people committed suicide, 22 more than in 2010. Nine people a day decide to end their lives. And it is that in countries where the unemployment rate is soaring, suicides also soar, especially male ones. Faced with these chilling data, we ask ourselves:

What is it that makes certain people more resistant and better able to face the different difficulties that life throws at them? What predisposes a person to not be able to see another way out of a complicated situation other than ending their life?

The reasons why someone wants to die

Sad man wishing to die

The truth is that people make the suicide attempt for all kinds of reasons. Some wish to die and others may not wish it so much. But we can talk about a common factor:  most people who commit suicide or attempt suicide are depressed. More than 90% of Suicides are related to an emotional disorder or other mental illness.

But, not all suicidal people are depressed, nor do all depressed people end up killing themselves. There are other factors that can influence the decision not to continue living, such as feelings of guilt that do not allow the person to accept or forgive themselves. In addition, it seems that in recent times the economic crisis, the lack of employment, the loss of status can make people consider not continuing to live.

Whatever the cause of the suicide attempts, they can be interpreted as a call for help or a way of punishing the people with whom they are upset or a way in which they seek to control a situation that at that moment they believe is escaping from her hands.

What the suicidal person does not know is that they do not really want to die as much as to escape from the situation they are going through and they truly believe that death is the only possible escape route.

Depressed man with hands on his face

Suicide is in many cases an impulsive act caused by an increase in anxiety and despair that one cannot feel at a certain moment after a stressful situation. Studies conducted over the past 20 years suggest that excruciating anxiety is one of the biggest short-term risks for depressed people to attempt suicide.

What can be warning signs that may indicate that we are dealing with a person who wishes to commit suicide?

The person who wants to commit suicide is someone who has lost hope of reaching a goal, feels guilty, or cannot forgive himself or others. That is why if you have ever had the wish to die, I want you to know that not all of us are “overcome” by emotions or complicated situations.

Some of the indications that can give the alarm signal are:

  1. Talk about suicide or death in general.
  2. Talk about “going away”, “going on a long trip” or “going away”.
  3. Say that certain things are “no longer needed” and give your possessions to other people.
  4. Express feelings of hopelessness or guilt.
  5. Not wanting to go out or socialize with family and friends.
  6. Stop participating in favorite activities or hobbies.
  7. Changes in eating or sleeping habits Manifestation of self-destructive behaviors (drinking alcohol, using drugs or self-harm).

Most of us end up overcoming it and we are able to see the problems from different points of view and thus be able to find a way to move forward with hope and will. And that two words may help to minimize that desire even to eliminate it from your thoughts, they are HOPE and FORGIVENESS.

Hopeful man with open arms

HOPE that no situation, however complicated and difficult it may be, is eternal. There are times that can get tough, but with a little hope and determination we can change the negative cycle of events. Change your negative vision and you can start with behaviors aimed at your goals.

FORGIVE, when you have received damage or an offense and you have not known how to deal with it. It is normal for this to cause internal tensions, which translate into depression or anxiety.

So that they don’t hurt you again, you shrink into your shell, storing negative feelings of hatred and resentment. The idea of ​​suicide is tempting thinking about the feelings of guilt that the people you want to harm will harbor throughout their lives

But you cannot imagine that that terrible pain that you will leave on your family and your loved ones wondering why, or if they could have done something, will haunt them throughout their existence.

Offering Support to a Person Who Wants to Die

For your part, if your friend or loved one is thinking about suicide, you need help from a mental health professional, even if suicide is not an immediate danger. To support it you can do the following:

  • Encourage the person to call a suicide prevention hotline. In general, each country has this service. Find out what the phone numbers are according to your location.
  • Encourage him to seek treatment. A suicidal or severely depressed person may not have the energy or motivation to seek help. If he or she does not want to see a mental health specialist, suggest that he or she go to a support group, crisis center, religious community, teacher, or other trusted person. You can offer support and support, but remember that it is not your responsibility to replace a mental health provider.
  • Offer to help the person seek assistance and support. For example, you can research treatment options, make phone calls and see information about insurance benefits, or even offer to accompany the person to a medical appointment.

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