The Virtue Of Keeping An Open Mind

The virtue of keeping an open mind


It happens very frequently. In our day-to-day lives, we find that type of people who remain firm in their thinking patterns, even close friends, reluctant to undertake changes, to risk even hearing opinions other than their own voice because they believe that everything they know it moves away from its patterns of perception, it is to fall into error and folly.

We are sure that you also know people with this profile of thought and personality. The complex comes when they are family, friends, co-workers with whom we have to interact every day, to be aware of the large number of walls that inhabit them, and how difficult it is to live with this type of people.

However, you must be clear about it. Do not let yourself be influenced, do not allow yourself to be “inoculated” with the virus of inflexibility, of denial, of the iron- clad routine that refuses to change for fear of destabilizing. An open mind is a weapon of power that we must know how to develop.


Strategies to keep an open mind


There is something worth keeping in mind. It is possible that you think that you yourself are the example of a person who knows how to maintain mental openness, that you have moved away from that mold that sculpts those geometric brains embedded in their own interests, in their fear of changes.




However, in a certain way all of us have the odd corner that has not completely bowed to that opening. We all have some “little” fear and we have a reduced “comfort zone” from which it is very difficult for us to get out just like that. Are you capable, for example, of accepting opinions different from yours? Do you think that your principles, your opinions and beliefs are always the true ones?

To delve a little deeper into these aspects, we now invite you to take into account all these dimensions that help us keep an open mind.

1. Question what’s around you


It is not about doubting everything we see or do. Rather, it would be a matter of not always taking things for granted, accepting that “everything is as it should be”. It is very possible, for example, that in your work, there are many aspects that need to be improved, what’s more, you may even be able to enhance your skills to grow professionally.

It is even possible that that person you admire so much is not always right, and it may also be that many of the things you read every day have other nuances to take into account. Be a little more critical of everything around you.


2. Accept the unknown, admit the unexpected


Fear is the greatest barrier architect you can find in your life. It is he who prevents you from discovering new options, new paths that could lead you to higher personal satisfaction. Why not accept everything that arrives without warning? Why not give the unforeseen a chance?




3. Get inspiration from everything around you, even from your enemies


Believe it or not, people can learn a lot about what hurts us. An open mind is the one that listens to all opinions and the one that does not turn its face to flee.

You may have in front of someone accustomed to hurting others, cheating and submitting, however, also knowing these behavior patterns we learn more about them “to know what we do NOT want to be”, to understand “what we have to stay away from and what do we want for ourselves ”.

Life does not stagnate in failures or losses, if we allow ourselves the honor of recognizing mistakes in order to learn from them, we will be starting the gears for change, for improvement. It is a matter of being a little more flexible and modifying our perspectives towards positivism and improvement.




Life is a continuous inspiration to attend to with open eyes, attend to your exterior and confront your interior, only in this way will you achieve a true knowledge of things. Don’t be afraid of being wrong, and simply dare to live with an open mind.


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