Without Setting Limits, You Will Not Receive “thank You ” Or “sorry “

Without setting limits, you will not receive "thank you" or "sorry"

Don’t put limits on your suffering. Stretch it so hard that it seems to unfold down an entire avenue and then come after you, making a strong “boomerang” effect . To suffocate you, to blame you, to immobilize you. Don’t put limits on the people around you. Be a good wife, a model salaried worker.

Stretch your patience as far as you can no longer because we have always been taught that sacrifice is united with virtue, even if it means annulling our life and our desires. You can choose this. Do not set limits, but you must know that you will never receive a “thank you” or a “sorry” for it. That people will get so used to seeing you in a certain role that they won’t believe that you deserve respect for everything you do, for the meaning of your own struggle.

The direct consequence of enduring things that hurt you, malicious words, blows, abuse and negligence is none other than that of becoming the perfect prey of the urban savannah, the perfect bait for all kinds of predators.

The price of not setting limits

No one is blaming you for suffering some kind of abuse or having undergone an irreversible psychic metamorphosis if you couldn’t get the help you needed in time. There are people who have suffered so much that they believe that they only serve as a mere punching bag.

You will think that at least, if you do not have the strength to move forward on your own, you can always deliver the last force of your breath, the anger that the longings of your sighs hide or the last effort to climb a step to help to another to complete his staircase.

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No one is blaming you for having reached that state of emotional destitution, the feeling that every glimmer of magic and creativity within you has been swallowed up by circumstances. But, if you are still lucid enough to realize that you are in this state, you may be in time to step back and put the brakes on certain situations.

Perhaps you are at that wonderful point on the road where you know that no one will come to rescue you, but that it is not necessary either. You are in time for what is called “an express cure” of the environment that surrounds you. A social detox, rich in vitamins and free of oxidizing human additives.

The importance of “psychotizing” for some people

There is no shortage of psychopaths in this world. Unfortunately, they are sometimes extremely difficult to detect. Others are just wispy shadows with some wicked features. Unfairly, on certain occasions people with character and who refuse to silence injustice are treated worse than the former.

Therefore, the price of not knowing how to set limits is very high. It rises when we refuse to see the reality in front of us. When we do not know how to detect offenses and / or face them in time. The smell of your fear of abandonment, criticism or stigma becomes the best ally of those who do not hesitate to make your weakness their first skin to cushion the blows.

So many types of people, so many complexities in human relationships that it would be impossible to know why some work in one way and not in another. If everything were to adhere to a script or a divine plan, what little grace and meaning it would all have.

However, some relational patterns seem to repeat themselves over and over again. We observe them, we fight them, we suffer them. They are those characterized by a communicational system in which certain people do not have a voice. Relationship patterns in which someone does not put limits on their dedication even if that means their unhappiness.

Never expect a “sorry” or a “thank you” from someone who has long since pushed the boundaries of emotional abuse with you. Those words of courtesy and thanks will be given to someone who, perhaps without giving anything, has already won the “premium dowry” of all the accolades.

It is a good time perhaps to regain your skin, “psychotize” a little, to the limit of being the first in your plans and the first on the list of people to make happy. You can still give many surprises, know how to put fences to your stamina, rebel the other cheek even without slapping and nail both your limits and your limitations with steel. Never expect a “sorry” or a “thank you” from someone who has allowed you to get on your knees so that she / he remains upright. They do not deserve it.


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