Explanation Of The 7 Most Common Dreams

Explanation to the 7 most common dreams

Shakespeare already said it: die, sleep … maybe dream. Dreams plunge us into a state of unconsciousness where we stop being masters of ourselves. But, at the same time, we immerse ourselves in that dreamlike ocean where the islands of our most recondite worlds rise, the same collective unconscious that Gustav Jung spoke of.

Human beings generally feel the same fears and share the same sources of anxiety: fear of being abandoned by our partner, of not achieving our goals, of being hurt.

All this builds a series of parallels that each of us share in common, drawing each night, the same dreamlike canvas. Would you like to know what conclusions psychiatrists and psychologists have reached regarding those dreams?

1. Dream of a deceased

Woman with negative dreams

It is something very common, losing a loved one and seeing him again often in our dreams. Sometimes we can’t even talk to them, we see them close to us, watching us, attending to us from afar. It is also possible that we can communicate with them, but it is always something brief, fleeting, but very intense.

The explanation is given by that emotional struggle we are having to assume the loss, the absence. It is part of the process and of our own suffering by not having that person with us.

2. Dreaming that they are chasing us

Without a doubt, it is one of the most recurrent nightmares. Walking through a certain scene and suddenly being chased by a person or an animal. Scientists tell us that this state is due to fear “of confrontation.”

What does this mean? Sometimes we fear facing certain things: asking or demanding something from our bosses or our partners, revealing information, or simply assuming a reality or facing an important fact.

3. Dreaming that we fall

Woman with nightmares

Who has not happened to? To be sleeping, to be dreaming … and, suddenly, to feel that we fall into the void. A momentary anguish that takes our breath away and forces us to wake up violently with a feeling of panic.

For experts, the explanation is simple: we are going through a stressful situation, and that anxiety, those nerves, are transferred to the world of dreams in that way.

4. Dream of being trapped

Trapped, locked in a small, suffocating place. A claustrophobic feeling that assails us at times in our dreams. If it has ever happened to you, stop to remember how you were in that season when you had that dream.

Did you have problems at home or at work? Some emotional problem that distressed you, that surrounded you? Sometimes our routine and obligations trap us with its pressure, with its demand.

5. Dreaming that your partner leaves you or a loved one disappoints you

Fear of loneliness. Simply. Fear that what is dear to us will suddenly disappear and we will be left in absolute and painful loneliness. It is another very recurring dream throughout our lives.

6. Dreaming that we lose our teeth or leave the house naked

They are well known and both share the same explanation. According to experts, it is more common among young people, and is related to a lack of self-esteem or self -confidence.

Suddenly, we feel vulnerable, we have a problem and we don’t know how to deal with it because we don’t have resources, because we don’t trust ourselves to be able to find the solution. Fear of facing things, insecurity or indecision would surely be the dimensions associated with this common dream picture.

7. Dreams related to natural disasters

Strange dreams

Dreaming of a violent storm, with strong gusts of wind capable of destroying houses, ramming us, rough seas and even burning forests. Troubled scenarios where nature cries out and we see ourselves helpless. Why is this?

Psychiatrists tell us that it would be a clear example of anxiety. When our reality seems to overtake us and little by little, we feel smaller and defenseless.

They involve nervous breakdowns and emotional states where the person feels very fragile and unable to cope with everything around him . In case of being very repetitive dreams, professionals recommend asking for help. It would be perhaps the most extreme case.

Conclude by saying that it is normal to have one of these dreams throughout our lives. The unconscious is related to our daily reality, and it is not exempt from being “impregnated” with our feelings, emotions and concerns.

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