Letter To An Opponent

Letter to an opponent

Perhaps you were studying a couple of minutes ago and have decided to take a break or maybe you have closed one of the books on your agenda because you have finished studying what is planned for today. I even dare to say that, if it is not any of the previous options, you were simply trying to understand that complex concept that you have already given a thousand turns, a fly has passed by and has taken you to the computer or you mobile phone.

Be that as it may, the important thing is that we have met. Call it chance, chance, fate, or whatever. I’m just going to ask you a favor: take a few minutes to read this letter. Then you can go back to your routine and pretend or save it to read when you need it. How you use it is up to you. I’m just asking you for one chance. Will you grant it to me?

Letter to an opponent, to a brave

Dear opponent, if you are reading these lines it is because you have decided to move on. First of all I want to thank you. Why thank you? Because your time is money. In fact, it is part of your daily work tools -almost the most important-, the pillar on which all your struggle is based. How can I not thank you?

Books and notes of an opponent

From now on, the most important thing comes, read carefully:

I admire you! Yes, I do a lot. You are the clear example of effort and perseverance, of sacrifice, of what it really means to “fight for a dream”.

Every morning you wake up knowing that one more day is actually one less day, for better and for worse. For the better because the journey towards your goal is getting smaller and smaller and for the worse because that means that the time remaining to assimilate concepts is running out. Your dark circles remind you of it along with the days crossed out on the calendar and the topics studied.

I admire you for all your work, but above all because you are a brave person. Which does not mean that you do not have fears, doubts, even moments of boredom and wanting to leave everything because you can’t take it anymore. But, despite this, you keep going, with strength, with desire and above all with passion. What’s more, on gray days is when you try to put more effort into not giving up, to show yourself that you can with that and with more. Believe me, that is worth appreciating.

I admire you because to travel this path you are giving up many others. And that’s not easy either, no matter how much hope there is deep down. No one knows better than you what it feels like to reject a plan with friends, an invitation to the cinema that will end with dinner, a weekend at the beach or in the mountains, or just two more hours to spend with the family. There are so many resignations, so many conflicts with yourself that you have to face in order to finally convince yourself that the best company at this stage is your agenda …

I admire you because you juggle to balance day to day with your study, because with your attitude you build your success and because you have made organization, concentration and underlining your best subjects.

Others may not understand your color scheme for important topics or most of the concepts that you have written down on notebooks, sheets and thousands of post-its, but it doesn’t matter. It is your secret language, the one with which your mind understands where it has to focus to reconstruct an elaborate lesson with a very small decoy.

Woman underlining the agenda

Dear opponent, don’t give up

I admire you for all that and more. For your dedication, for your sleepless nights and your mornings of laws, protocols, authors or theories, for your ways of betting on you. So don’t give up. Don’t forget that the most important part of the word attitude is you.

Don’t let boredom get its own way and gain ground for motivation.  Remember every day why you started, what your goal is and above all, how you are going to go through the journey. But above all, believe in yourself. The days that you have been opposing are the days that you have been fighting for your dream. Do not forget.

Study, review, make an effort … any verb works if it is to encourage you to get the best of yourself. And if for some reason it doesn’t come out the first time, don’t throw in the towel. Everything you have studied, you already have. Don’t let your mind forget it, reinforce it, keep planting seeds that make the roots of your knowledge bigger. But don’t give up.

Now, take care. Don’t forget yourself along the way.  Eat healthy, disconnect from time to time, exercise and rest. Alone like this you will generate enough energy to keep going. Because what you do every day makes you.

Next, dear opponent, I give you some last words.

Good luck opponent and encouragement!

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