All Emotions Are Acceptable, All Behaviors Are Not

All emotions are acceptable, all behaviors are not

We all have the right to feel any type of emotion, we all have experiences that make us live different feelings in our body and mind. In this sense,  all the emotions that we experience are acceptable, but what we cannot accept is any type of expression or channeling of the behaviors that may emerge from those emotions.

Our job is to identify emotions, to recognize them before they dominate us and we cannot impose our control on them. From there, knowing how to give them an outlet that does not harm anyone and that allows us to express, control and channel what we feel.

Sometimes emotions arise without anticipation being able to mediate. Almost automatically we feel rage, we feel anger, we feel revenge and it is not that we should not feel this. It is another thing to allow them to take the helm. Feeling means that we are alive, to experience it in ourselves is to feel that something matters to us; It is natural, but at the moment in which emotions take control of us and make us speak without having been able to stop to think and calm ourselves, they lose all their positive power, and with it, any of our acts derived from it lose value .

Headless girl catching butterflies

Can you control your emotions?

There are emotions that arise without realizing it, almost automatically, that appear almost immediately after the action occurs. For example, we see a person who follows us in a dark alley and fear appears, they give us a gift and we become happy.

The way we talk to each other, that is, the way we think, makes us enhance what we feel, makes us analyze the situation and is what also contributes to the appearance of some emotions or others. For example, if we continue walking down that alley and see someone behind us, we can calm our fear if we think or tell ourselves that it is someone who lives in the building on the left, as opposed to if I think that they are walking right behind me and carry a weapon to attack me.

Colorful girl

Therefore, sometimes our emotions appear instantly, but our way of reacting will be mediated by our thoughts and our inner intervention and this is where our margin to act is. Take our time to analyze what I feel, and why, give space to emotion and mediate with our thinking so that a direct link is created between emotion and action. Rather, our power lies in reconsidering and taking time before acting.

Not all behaviors are justifiable

Perhaps the error is in thinking that by feeling something we have the right to act as we are born and it is not like that, the freedom of my actions ends when that of others begins and therefore a certain emotion can never justify a violation of the rights of others. the rest. The power of my freedom also resides in the control over my actions.

Girl surrounded by dandelions

I can feel anger, and it is acceptable, I can feel resentment and it is acceptable, I can feel hatred and it will also be acceptable, but it will never be to hurt others because of my anger or rage if it is not strictly in self-defense. All emotion is justifiable but not all behaviors.

In this way, it is our obligation to learn to channel all the emotions that harm us, to give them an outlet that is beneficial for everyone, an outlet that relieves me and allows me to express what I feel. All our power is in us and in the management we do of what happens inside of us. We are free to feel, and even to recreate ourselves in any type of emotion, but we are also responsible for the acts that we undertake motivated by them.

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