Emotional Emptiness: A Very Heavy Burden

At some point we have all had the feeling of emotional emptiness: that feeling where nothing completes us and discouragement becomes the protagonist. Now, what can we do at that moment to change the inertia?
Emotional emptiness: a very heavy burden

Have you ever felt that nothing made sense? That it did not matter how much you will try because everything was going to be wrong? Many times we feel like we are missing something even when we have it all. But why does this happen to us? What is this emotional emptiness due to? It generally appears when things go wrong or when we get good results, but they are not what we really want or where we want.

The sensation we have in our body is the same as if we went into a dark cave without seeing the exit. Some psychology professionals liken it to peering into a well.

The truth is that it is a kind of anti-conformist vertigo. Even on many occasions, it makes us feel really alone. As if nothing and no one could comfort us by causing us a feeling of unease that is difficult to control.

Sad woman

How do we behave when we feel it?

There is no exact science that says that when we feel like this, we are going to behave in a certain way. However, people usually fill this gap by performing behaviors taken to the extreme : smoking a lot, eating a lot, drinking a lot … and often without being aware of it.

With this type of behavior we try to calm the anxiety that causes us not to be satisfied with the life we ​​lead.


One of the questions we ask ourselves the most when we feel like this is WHY? Generally it is usually related to an issue of our self-esteem and the image we have of ourselves: our self-concept.

Over the years, it is likely that we have developed a series of expectations, beliefs about ourselves and even about life. When those ideas don’t develop as we expect or meet our expectations, we begin to get discouraged ; when this is prolonged in time, this emotional emptiness ends up appearing.

How do I make the emotional void disappear?

The first thing is you

Starting to accept what we cannot change at this time, lowering our level of frustration, can be a good start. However, sometimes we do not know how to do it. In such a case, it is advisable to seek professional help.

Learning to love each other, while we get to know each other, can be a great step in knowing what we really need in our life or why what we have so far is not working. Many times, we are strangers to ourselves, directing our actions to a totally different destination from the one we want.

The current doesn’t always help

In the emotional world, as in the physical world, the same law works. Any instance or object, faced with a null resultant of forces applied to it, tends to maintain its inertia. The problem is that many times this inertia does not help us and we have to use our resources or our will to change it.

Don’t stare

Life passes and, therefore, we cannot waste it. When we usually feel with this emotional emptiness, we have a tendency to wait for the solution to appear or the feeling to disappear and we do not think that the solution has to be found.

It is very important that we keep busy with things we like or learn new things. Perhaps by opening our minds, we will find a handle that can help us to quench that uneasiness that we feel. Every day is an opportunity to face something new and to continue learning.

Problems are challenges

Sometimes when we feel incomplete, the horizon we envision can become really dark. It is our filters and biases, along with inertia, that cloud our thinking.

Here, attitude is important. If we view each problem as a challenge and not as a problem, the approach in our mind can change. Each step that we advance will be small achievements.

Face reality

Many times we refuse to see reality and we are determined to fit into something or not accept a certain situation. This is a real mistake because it causes us to be constantly dissatisfied with ourselves and with others.

Therefore, it is important to face what we feel in front of a person, thing or action and stop convincing ourselves about what really suits us.

Woman with eyes closed performing raisin exercise

The importance of emotional intelligence

Sometimes our own emotional emptiness lies in how underdeveloped our emotional intelligence is. Our life is directed by our emotions, although many times we are not aware. The control we have over our feelings and how we know how to manage our emotions will prevent us from rushing into an emotional void.

However, this is not an easy task or for us to bring a built-in manual. In fact, we usually make mistakes in the first step, we are not able to identify the emotion we are feeling. In today’s times, many times we do not listen to ourselves and this prevents us from developing emotionally.

Once we know how to control our emotions, it will be easier for us to manage them … focusing on our well-being. We will work to improve our well-being and assume the good and bad emotions in the best possible way.

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