Fashion Is The Condemnation Of Those Who Have No Criteria

Fashion is the condemnation of those who have no criteria

Fashion is a powerful industry that is present in many aspects of our lives. From the most everyday objects such as mobiles, food and even the clothes we carry. Everything is influenced by fashion, which makes millions at our expense as a result.

But fashion not only tells us which objects to use, but how and why. Fashion, after all, tells us what and when to think certain things and it does so in such a subtle way that it often goes unnoticed. But how do they do it? How do they influence us?

The evolution of beauty standards

While many women worry about joining the fashionable activity in the gym and dieting to adjust to smaller pieces each time, the ideal body that they sell us is changing. Changing so much that most of the time without surgery it will be impossible to comply with the canons of beauty.

Real body of a woman who has been a mother

But beauty canons are not modified randomly, but they change in a way that requires buying or consuming specific products to achieve those ideals of beauty that they impose on us. In the Middle Ages plump bodies, with curves, were taken, because only the court had enough food to be able to show off those bodies, it was a matter of class and food consumerism.

When women began to work in the fields, they were asked for a white, porcelain skin, something difficult to achieve when working from sunrise to sunset. That is why they began to cover themselves, to put on headscarves and clothes that gave them heat, that were not useful, but did protect them from the sun and brought them closer to the aesthetic ideal.

Currently we are asked, among many other things, to work, have a family, help with household chores and be perfect. They teach us models that after having a child they keep their perfect bodies and they show us ads for epilators that wax legs without a single hair.

But they do not tell us that this is unreal, that these models have all day to shape their bodies because they live on them, that those women in the advertisements have laser waxed and that nobody is perfect, nobody is a superwoman who can wear it. all perfectly without disheveled a single hair on his head.

They tell us that, in the gym, with a diet that involves buying food supplements, with certain creams or various products, we will be like the women on television, but not even the women on television are like that. The videos are edited and the photos are Photoshopped. Do not be fooled, in you there is a more sincere reality than in all those images.

Fashion reflects history

But fashion is not only canons of beauty, fashion is also history, it is ideology. Fashion taught us that after September 11 and at the beginning of the Iraq War, it was well seen to wear the American flag on clothing.

As has happened with the famous scarf called Palestine, it is ideology, it talks about the Israel-Palestine conflict, but most of the people who have used it do not know. Fashion sells us things and tells us what to think, even if you don’t realize it and think you are shopping freely.


The influence of fashion on one’s own identity

But fashion is not only beauty or ideology, fashion often represents your identity, because it has told you that if you like rock music, you dress differently than if your music is rap or reggaeton. Because if you belong to a social group, your clothes dictate it more than anything else, because clothes are the first thing others see about you.

In Japan you are nobody, you are an outcast if you do not buy a certain and very expensive brand of mobile phone, which has led many young people to sell even their organs just not to lose their identity, that which is a brand in itself.

But of course, everything changes, tomorrow he will take other clothes, another phone, another sport, tomorrow will be another day and there will be someone who will tell you what you have to buy to be happy, to be someone, to have an identity. So if you think that you are free, that you are not a fashion victim , remember, do I know what all I buy is? Do I really need it?

Remember the most important thing, when fashion tells you that you are not perfect tell it that you are not perfect because you are human, when it tells you to spend money on another useless object or on a supposedly improved version of it. Tell those who want to “set trends” that you are happy with what you have and when fashion asks you who you are, tell them to look beyond your clothes, your skin, at that moment. Be happy as you are, because you are you, you have the great opportunity to be perfect without following anyone.

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