How To Deal With The Emotional Predator

When dealing with the emotional predator, it is advisable that we have good social and psychological support
How to deal with the emotional predator

The victim of an emotional predator does not always have adequate resources to cope with this behavior. Thus, it is common for it to be completely conditioned to the personality of the former, to feel the victim of a psychological prison and in turn trapped by fear.

In these cases, in addition to making use of adequate psycho-emotional skills, it is always vital that we have social and welfare support. As striking as it may seem, all of us at some point, can fall into these types of harmful links. It does not matter our gender, social position or previous experience.

The emotional predator inhabits almost any setting. Moreover, sometimes behind these behaviors is a narcissistic profile, a type of personality highly specialized in psychological manipulation, blackmail and domination. Knowing how to act is key in all cases.

Identify the emotional predator

There is a first aspect that we must take into account. We must be sensitive and know how to react in time to any process of emotional predation. We cannot ignore that this reality occurs too frequently and that it defines a highly common type of psychological abuse.

  • To do this, we must put blame aside and abandon the position of tolerance, recognizing that the person we are with may have a possible personality disorder or, simply, be someone with dangerous behavior.
Woman abused by an emotional predator


Therefore, it is important to understand their tactics and their mode of operation, counting as much as possible with psychological help and support from our environment.

Let’s look at some features.

What is the emotional predator like?

  • You want to be in control at all times.
  • You despise and humiliate the other person. In case he offers reinforcements or positive acts, he will do it for personal interest or to achieve something.
  • It manipulates reality, makes us believe at all times that we are wrong or that we are naive.
  • He victimizes himself to be in control.
  • Ironic, critical, sarcastic language.
  • Bombastic airs.
  • He often punishes us with indifference and with the idea of ​​cutting off the relationship.
  • Project the guilt on us.

As a curiosity, according to a study carried out at the University of Innsbruck, Germany, by doctors 

Stop justifying yourself

It is important to keep this message in mind when faced with an emotional predator. It is true that the victim will want to justify himself, since the aggressor’s speech is full of lies, but the explanations and justifications will only lead to more stuck at that moment.

  • The emotional predator will use all the mistakes and inaccuracies that his victim has made against him, even if they were with good intention.
  • Therefore, silence is better , as anything we do or say can turn against us.
  • If we are facing a moment of separation, the harassment process may take place over the phone or through messages.

For them, it is recommended if it is possible to change the number or email, filter them or have a third person help us, and be the one who intervenes, since if it is the victim who responds again, they can immerse themselves in the process of emotional predation, destabilizing their process of separation and independence.


As the mental process of separation progresses, and the victim is strong and resistant, he can change his strategy and act firmly, without fear.

The crisis will allow the victim’s life to be reborn. We must end that link clearly and definitively.

Sad man with his hand on his face suffering the effect of an emotional predator

To resist

It is important to know that to resist psychologically it is necessary to have some kind of support, which is capable of restoring the victim’s self-confidence that has been lost.

Valid supports are those that are content to be by the victim’s side, available when they need them, without making judgments or allowing themselves to be fooled by reproaches and manipulations.

In addition, it is advisable to go to professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.) to help us reestablish our well-being and personal autonomy, as well as regain our confidence and face our fears.

Justice intervention

It may happen that a crisis or conflict of this type can only be resolved with justice. However, in these processes the provision of evidence is necessary, and this is where there are usually more complications, because humiliation, contempt, insults and offenses are difficult to demonstrate, unless there is a third party when they occur, this being the key .

It is also suggested to keep all written documents that can be recognized as evidence. It is an arduous process, and full of uncertainty, since there are many judges who are distrustful.

Perhaps the only means to protect the victim is the establishment of rigid injunctions and the avoidance of any contact between the parties. Being, finally, a matter of justice the adoption of the most adequate protection measures to avoid the resurgence of the relationship of emotional predation.

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