How To Keep Your Brain Younger With 3 Daily Habits

How to keep your brain younger with 3 everyday habits

Lately, there are many people who manifest not remembering things as usual. They feel thick at the mental level when it comes to organizing the day, their goals or simply finding resources to face their day to day.

If you share these feelings with the people around you, the typical comment of “this is a matter of age” will certainly not be lacking , seeking to take weight and gravity away from the matter.

In this case, it is good to remind you that the evolution of mental agility is not necessarily associated with the birthday.  The brain is the processor of our body. As long as his neuronal plasticity is maintained, the functions that he takes care of will remain intact.

Therefore, we can always obtain tools and tips to maintain our brain functions as if it were a child or adolescent. 

Illuminated head profile

There are many social characters of great relevance within science, politics and leadership who have been known to carry out a form of learning and development of their experience enjoying an ever-young brain, without losing their mental faculties. But then why do some suffer more significant brain aging than others?

Several scientific investigations have found the answer in that this difference is due to the brain aging process . Today I will tell you  how to keep your brain younger with 3 daily habits  contributed by science.

Practice reading

Reading enables us to visualize and create a completely new world thanks to the pages we read. This helps us to stimulate and develop active thinking, the one that makes the most of the neurons that make up the brain.

Thanks to the constant functioning of neurons while we read, we prevent them from dying by facilitating their lengthening and fostering the development of new ways to communicate information thanks to their plasticity.

To do this, I invite you to start the healthy habit of reading much more constantly. Try to remember the story and possible events created by you or endings from what you read. By reading, you will be activating your creativity, exercising your brain in a different and fun way.

You will not lose your artistic side, that side that all human beings need to develop to allow us much more sensitivity when it comes to enjoying our life.

Train your breathing

Many are the people who, due to accidents, experiences or serious situations, in a matter of seconds without being able to breathe lost certain brain capacities. This is because oxygen is part of the proper functioning of our brain neurons, and it is necessary to keep it oxygenated for it.

The habit of knowing how to breathe is one of the healthiest, since it invites you to take importance when it comes to not smoking, it encourages the promotion of healthy breathing and care routines. Activities that allow us to be close to our mother earth: parks, groves, forests and fields. Dare to carry out physical exercises where you will learn to breathe properly such as running and swimming.

Arm over leg of a woman meditating

Get out of your comfort zone

The routine is usually not a good companion for a young and healthy brain, since staying stuck in it does not promote the development of new paths and brain networks to get new options. To do this, set yourself new challenges, make a list of those things about yourself that you want to improve or change to the positive.

Do not stop before those problems of our day to day, simply waiting for others to solve them. Integrating this smart habit into your life will help you stimulate your brain connections and not neglect your essence, the one that allows you to always find the necessary strength to achieve your full potential. And therefore, enjoy and live fully.

Put into practice the games and activities that you find of certain difficulty such as hobbies, crosswords or sudoku puzzles. Remember that our brain is constantly changing throughout our lives, and you always have options to learn and acquire new skills while keeping it young, healthy and strong.

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