How To Transport Dreams To Reality

Your dream life is not so far from your reality. You just have to risk, commit and take action.
How to transport dreams to reality

When we think of a dream we imagine it as something utopian, an unattainable illusion. We often brand dreamers as naive, as impractical. We predict their failure, convinced that they are erring in choosing illusion as the engine of their life. However, whoever manages to transport dreams to reality ensures a full and free existence, chosen and created by and for himself.

When a date is added to a dream, it becomes a goal. A goal broken down in small steps leads to an action plan. And when we get it going, we start to shape what we always yearn for. Let’s remove the negative connotation from illusions and begin to see them as the engine that drives us not to conform.

And you, what do you dream?

Surely some night, when you go to bed, when you could not sleep, you have begun to imagine your dream life. The one in which you feel strong, confident and happy. In which you are surrounded by people of great human quality and in which you dedicate your time to what you are passionate about.

Suddenly reality (or rather your mind) hits you, reminding you of something you did wrong that day, or that you have a very important meeting tomorrow. Nervousness begins to take over you and you realize how far away is the idyllic image that you kept a few moments ago. “That’s enough dreaming,” you think, and you begin to focus your energy on those negative thoughts that only increase your insomnia.

What would you think if I told you that it is in your power to shorten the distance between what you want and what you have? That you can transport dreams to reality. The world is a place full of opportunities for those who risk taking them. The person you have been until today does not determine who you can become tomorrow, every day you have the opportunity to change course.

Are you willing to risk it?

We often see people manifesting that they feel anxiety, that they are down, that they see everything dark. They claim that they would like to change, be more patient, more positive, or more sociable. However, they are unwilling to take the steps to achieve it. Going to therapy or making a conscious effort to change your mindset is not in your plans.

In this way they settle in their discomfort and are convinced that there is no possible alternative. However, those who find the determination to truly engage with themselves make great improvements. Perhaps, in your fantasies, you visualize yourself as a confident and sociable person. But for this, you must inevitably work on your self-esteem and face situations that you fear.

Perhaps you imagine yourself running your own business, but for this you have to invest your time in obtaining the necessary training and risk not working for someone else. Perhaps you long to have a deep bond with your partner, but this requires that you be able to show yourself vulnerable and run the risk of being hurt. What you dream is only a counterfactual reality, it depends on your actions and decisions to bring it to life.

You can transport dreams to reality

That is why it is important to review our beliefs and the meaning we give to words. If for you a dream is a chimera, you will never find the motivation to pursue it. If dreaming is the equivalent of being unpragmatic, you won’t even take the time to find out what it is that you really want. Only those who consider their wishes as purposes is capable of carrying out the transformation.

Dream, imagine, get excited. Pay attention to every detail of your fantasy, how you are in it, the type of people around you, the job in which you spend your time. All of these are clues to the deepest longings you have and from which fear takes you away. Dreaming helps you identify what you are passionate about, what moves you inside, what brings you closer to happiness. 

From here, it is your mission to turn your dream into a purpose and develop the steps to follow to achieve it. It is your decision to risk changing, to think differently, to act differently. Dreaming is not crazy, crazy is not doing anything for your dreams.

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