I Appreciate The Nights That Were Made Mornings By Friends Who Became Family

I am grateful for the nights that were made mornings by friends who became family

We cannot choose the music that life is going to play for us, nor that that song that we like so much will be played again and again every day. But, we can direct the dance, decide companions who will later be friends and dress the heart to interpret our personal choreography.

It is true that dancing sometimes requires a solitaire because it is always positive to improve one’s steps and get to know each other on the dance floor, but there are choreographies in which we are sure to need the number of a small hand of people who feel the same chorus. that we do.

In those cases, choosing the dance group that will accompany you is one of the most important decisions : together you will go through fatigue, overcome potholes, gain resistance and, above all, you will learn not to stop dancing under any circumstances. The family, including the one one meets, forms this team: friends thanks to whom nights are the time of day when the most stars come out.

Hearts that push not to stop dancing

Will and courage are the two main weapons that make a dancer overcome all his obstacles: that they tell him that he will never succeed, that he moves worse in certain dance styles, that there are moments in which he can express himself with his body. make it easier …

Girlfriends sitting in bed drinking coffee

Friends are something like the courage, the will and the strength that we lack with some of our monsters : those who will tell us that yes, we can; those who will shake our hand in the most complicated situations that make us stay still, those who will understand that we do not speak and who will do it for us if necessary.

Friends are those hearts that will push us to not stop dancing when the first signs of fatigue  appear and the temptation to stop appears in our minds. They are those wonderful people who make a hug worth more than any other action: a gift that turns our falls into scenic steps.

Their laughter is water in a desert

When I think of my friends, I cannot separate it from a poem by Luis Alberto de Cuenca, in which the original verse of this subtitle is collected. This happens to me, perhaps, because hell is associated with a place where someone is going to have a bad time and the laughter of friends is capable of making us come out of the worst places.

Friends in a pool at sunrise

The coldest nights thanks to them have meaning and value, because they make you see what you do not see and arrive the next morning with courage. The hardest nights thanks to them are weaker or, at least, they make us seem so. The mornings, when they arrive, thanks to them, they are filled with spring and leaving the whole winter behind.

Sometimes the dance is slow, gloomy, very hard and even sad but your dance team is still there: they perform the choreography to the end and by your side, help you do the most complicated stunts and wait until the music ends.

Friends, the “rock and roll” of life

Continuing with the metaphor of dance, every dancer is forced to have a perfect ear to listen to the rhythm that is set for him, an availability of his full time to make what he gathers from his learning grow and an exquisite coordination that he always maintains. to his companions concentrated, with a glance.

For this reason, friends are the best dancers we could want in our dance school : nobody better than them to listen, even if it is your silence; nobody better than them to guide your rhythm and be your example; no one better than them to offer you their time, that which makes friendships grow and fortify affection. Nobody better than them to coordinate with you, through thick and thin.

Girlfriends dancing in a disco

Friends are the  rock and roll  of our life, that rebellious and at the same time sophisticated and varied spirit that will anchor your feet to the floor and will only let you pick them up to keep dancing. Friends are, in short, those people you can thank that your nights have become tomorrow, the reason for the dance.

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