I’m Tired Of Wanting Everything To Happen The Way I Want It

I'm tired of wanting everything to happen the way I want

Enough of trying to determine everything, of wanting everything to happen in a concrete way. When we try to prevent things, to guide them, they never go the way we want and that drowns us in frustration. Freeing ourselves from self-imposed chains keeps us from falling into the fearful pit of psychological difficulties and problems. 

Most of us live in a kind of automatism, as if we always had a button turned on that forces us to live without thinking, without reflecting; simply doing what he has to do at all times, without considering possible alternatives. That button, which we have in on mode , prevents us from seeing the essence of the facts. What happens to us is already highly contaminated by our way of seeing the world.

Now when we only merge with our thoughts and feelings, we are missing the experience of living and experiencing our lives.

Asking why we do things, why we behave in a certain way, opens a door to how we behave. When the focus of our attention remains shining to the past or the future, we find ourselves caught between guilt and worry, putting aside the present moment. This situation leads to a narrowing of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Furthermore, a lack of contact with the present also makes it more likely that we will behave ineffectively. The extreme regulation of behavior reduces contact with current circumstances, which can be of great help in the formation and orientation of our behavior.

Woman with light in mind

Life is a bit what happens to us and a lot how we face it

Our attitude contains the secret of happiness. It depends on it that we enjoy being alive or that, on the contrary, we suffer and enslave ourselves to suffering. However, this has to depend on us at all times, not on our learned automatisms.

For each situation you need to make a choice. Now, if we are always on autopilot, everything will be the same for us, regardless of what happens in the outside world. We will be like a hammer that sees nails and ignores everything else.

Our brain likes to play with us and make us believe that everything in it is the truth and what it should be. However, reality will be what it needs to be, not what we want it to be. We cannot live only with what is pleasant, we have to live with everything. There, of course, are included the things that we do not want to happen to us.

In addition, according to experts in psychology, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we deal with it. Therefore, it is time to get going to face more and better assume what happens to us.

Woman releasing a bird

Do I really want everything to happen as I wish?

When you understand that changing the superfluous does not hurt, you have the freedom to be in any circumstance. This consists of going beyond our desires and automatisms, be they personal, social or family.

You are not only what you think. You are more than what your thoughts tell you, you are much more than a complex of beliefs about what things should be, much more than predetermined and illusory ideas. You are change, you are adaptable, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner things will happen as they have to.

Nothing good or bad happens in the universe, but everything that happens is neutral and necessary. The problem appears when we fight and enter into conflict against situations and circumstances that are part of the evolutionary process of every human being. From now on, let’s  exercise the habit of seeing neutral reality, without judging it.

The fact that we see it as good or bad has nothing to do with the evolutionary process through which everything has to go, but with what we think about it. There is nothing more devastating and heartbreaking than wanting whenever the opposite happens to what happens. That is why giving up this harmful habit is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. 

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