Knowing My Vulnerability Allowed Me To Move Forward

Knowing my vulnerability allowed me to move forward

Vulnerability is what makes us unique beings, and especially people. By recognizing our weaknesses, we accept our condition as human beings.

However, many times we insist on hiding everything in which we feel weak and not wanting to recognize it, and this causes us to show ourselves to others in an inauthentic way.

Somehow, there is a model of behavior in our culture that leads us to hide our weaknesses; where in addition, we have to pretend and believe that we must strive to be the best.


Woman looking at the horizon

What does it mean to have to be the best?

When we perform our daily roles, both professionally and personally, we propose that we must be the best at all costs….

This belief is the daily life of many people, who live under the fantasy that their lives consist of having to be the best in what they consider important.

Reality puts each of us in their place, bringing out our limitations, our difficulties; and all this, as a whole, within circumstances that are constantly changing and we cannot control.

That’s right, life hits us, slows us down and makes us reconsider. The key and the approach is not to be the best of this or that thing, since in this way we are also falling in competitiveness and in comparisons with others.

This drives us to the extreme of self-demand, with no regard for ourselves and for our own learning process.

Even being able to lose perspective of our essential priorities in life. Heading towards disconnection with himself where you don’t know what you want, where you don’t know where you are going.

Accepting our vulnerability

Accepting one’s vulnerability to oneself and to others requires courage and courage, since it means accepting ourselves as we are; with our wounds, unfinished business and mistakes made.

Sad woman resting her head on her hand thinking

Thus begins a whole process that leads us to carry out a true internal development, in which we can love ourselves unconditionally and thus obtain a state of greater well-being and peace.

We can start this process through approaches that make us move forward, and recognize our condition as human beings:

  • We live under conditions and circumstances that many times we cannot control.
  • Our will is to do things the best we know how, discovering and strengthening our potentialities.
  • Consider that each person has our rhythms, context, circumstances, difficulties, priorities, etc.
  • Giving the best of yourself is the best way to move forward, growing and exceeding yourself.
  • When we accept our limitations without criticizing ourselves, we are able to understand ourselves , and our attitude becomes more compassionate and honest.
  • We can only overcome our own limitations when we recognize them.


Showing our authenticity

In developing toward accepting our vulnerability, we find ourselves. And thus we obtain access to our authenticity, facilitating the connection with other people.

By managing to accept our difficulties, without fear of being rejected, without fear of exposing ourselves because we seem weak; we take off the masks that we usually wear, with which we have superficial relationships.

This is how we approach reality in a more natural way, being able to maintain more honest and authentic relationships.

Accepting our vulnerability we become more human, thus admitting our imperfections, and consequently also those of others.

We remove arrogance and superiority from ourselves, without seeing ourselves above anyone else. Since it is very pretentious to pursue being the best and obsessing over it, losing our very life.

We overcome our fears and our limitations from acceptance, managing to show ourselves as we are, to be the best version of ourselves.

In this video, researcher Brene Brown gives us a powerful talk about what vulnerability entails, and how it is vitally important for us to advance as human beings.

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