Laugh When You Can, Cry When You Need It

Laugh when you can, cry when you need it

-Let them go, Lucia –said the grandmother from somewhere.

-Who is it?                                                   

-The tears! Sometimes it seems that there are so many that you feel like you are going to drown with them, but it is not like that.

-Do you think one day they will stop dating?

-Of course! –The grandmother answered with a sweet smile- Tears don’t stay too long, they do their job and then they go on their way.

-And what job do they do?

-It’s water, Lucia! They clean and rinse … Like the rain. Everything looks different after the rain …

The rain knows why

Unfortunately, our society does not allow us to cry. It is like a kind of mandatory imposition that we submit to when we want others to have a good image of us.

However, allowing ourselves to express our emotions is a source of liberation that we have to take advantage of. For this reason, we must get rid of that inner self that does not stop repeating to ourselves that adult and strong people do not cry.

Jealousy never ends

After the storm comes the calm always

You have to be aware that everything is temporary. In other words, although the blackness envelops you, little by little you will see the light. This will allow you to appreciate the peace that emptying your interior leaves in yourself.

In order to understand our emotions and their different manifestations a little more, it is enough to approach oneself and the expression (or non-expression) that we carry out. So we have to stop to think if what really bothers us is outside or, on the contrary, is inside us.

That is, we know that hiding our sadness is part of a series of defense mechanisms that we put on like armor, but by trying to protect ourselves “from what others think”  we are sinking our identity and boycotting our self-knowledge.

After the storm comes the calm always

Emotions are not overcome

We don’t have to try to get over our sadness, nor do we have to think that it will. In other words, we must not conflict with our feelings. If we think about it, it is quite unproductive to fight against ourselves.

It is not a question of expressing our emotions in one way or another, since each of us has their own way of expressing their feelings ; it is about us valuing them as the messengers of what is difficult to put words to.

As they will always accompany us, we have to accept them and relate to them in a natural way, without forcing ourselves, managing to link them with ourselves and our body.

My validation of sadness

Don’t imprison your emotions, experience them

It is likely that on more than one occasion you have tried to contain your emotions within four mental walls. You may have succeeded and it seemed like a small triumph.

However, it is possible that by doing this you are feeding a series of unhealthy emotions. In fact, although sadness is healthy, if you accumulate it, it can become complicated and turn into depression.

In other words, everything in excess is bad, and if you are polluting your interior with it, worse. In other words, you have to listen to anger or sadness as much as to joy. In this way we will ensure that they do not transform into monsters such as anger, depression or excessive optimism that gives us problems.

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