Laughing At Oneself Is The Best Therapy To Cope With Problems

Laughing at yourself is the best therapy to deal with problems

On many occasions, when we experience a negative event, what we do is get angry with the whole world, paying for it with anyone around us. But, does this allow to solve something? Of course not! It is normal that when something unforeseen happens we get upset, since it was out of our plans. However, in the long run, there will be no choice but to accept this new situation or problem with some optimism. And what better way to do it than to laugh at yourself?

In this way we will better overcome all kinds of adversities that arise, thus making us feel better with ourselves. Do you want to know how to achieve it? One way to do this is by taking life with humor, or as has been said before, laughing at yourself. Through constant complaint we are not going to solve anything, so what better than a little humor. Here we leave you all its benefits.

Laugh at yourself: your problems will get smaller

If your problem, at least for now, has no solution. Why waste energy getting angry, taking it with others and screaming in the sky? This is an unnecessary waste of saliva and strength. So when something happens to you that is not to your liking, first calm down, analyze the problem, look for solutions if you have them and always try to get a comic point out of the matter. Surely later you remember it as a mere anecdote with which you will laugh a lot and you will also realize that the problem was not so bad.

When we laugh at adversity, we distance ourselves from it. However, they have taught us to get angry when something goes wrong. That is why, now it seems so strange to us to take ourselves according to what situations with humor.

Thus, as stated by Eduardo Jáuregui and Jesús Damián Fernández (2004) in their article The benefits of humor. Reasons to take fun seriously , it has been proven that:

Other benefits of laughing at yourself

You will feel better about yourself

Much has been said about laughter therapy and its great benefits. And is that apart from seeing everything with a halo of positivism, laughing will also release endorphins, one of the most efficient glands of happiness that exist to feel good about yourself. Therefore, when you learn to see the positive side of a problem, your perception of this negative situation will change completely and the problem will surely pass away sooner than you imagine.

You will gain self-esteem

If we only know how to get angry or sad in the face of adversity, it will be impossible for us to find a solution to them. Taking it with the world is not going to solve anything. For this reason, if you laugh at your problems, it means, in part, that they do not affect you or that you can simply face them with a smile on your mouth. This is a way of putting up a wall against setbacks that will show that insignificant problems don’t affect you. And more if you take them with a little humor.

As the Indian sage Shantideva stated, whether or not a problem has a solution, there is no cause for drama. So taking life with humor and laughing at oneself in certain situations will be beneficial to raise our self-esteem for the simple reason that we will be “above” adversity. We will be aware that afflictive emotions have not won us over and we will see that we are capable of controlling our emotions.

Image courtesy of Cris Plaza

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