Letter To My Future Self

Letter to my future self

I am writing this letter to my future self because I am experiencing feelings that I would not like to forget over the years. I want that when time has passed and my future self has been filled with experiences, take up this letter and take a little moment to stop and think: if we do not know where we come from or who we were, how will it be possible to know where we are going or what? we want?

I just want a break and stop to reflect …

Letter to my future self: I don’t want you to forget

Dear me, I do not want you to forget everything that makes you so happy today, that is why I am writing to you, because in the projection towards infinity that this letter means I hope that every day you continue to go to bed with a smile. Either thanks to the friends you have, to the work you do, to the social life that you maintain, to the laziness that you overcome in order not to stop fighting for what you like, to your hobbies, which I hope you have not abandoned. At least not all of them, and if you have, you have found better substitutes for them.

Girl writing a text titled "Letter to my future self"

Surely when you read this letter the memberships you browse will have a lot of joy. Great, catch it, do not allow the years that have passed to mutate the emotion and the gesture of your face. Take it back and bring it back to life. My wish is that you,  future me, do not lose yourself in  bitter temptations and that you do not make yourself small in the face of difficulties.

Future me, in this letter I want to tell you about the dreams I have, the aspirations for which I wake up and strive every day. When you are reading this see if you have got what you wanted; If not, be smart, go ahead if your strength and conviction allow it, otherwise stay with what you have learned. Remember that an experience only turns into failure when we try to erase it, rejecting the time that had the opportunity to teach us. 

Dear me…

I don’t want to forget everything I feel today and I wouldn’t want you to forget it either. Serve this souvenir key card. I write to you from a happy stage (you see that it is not always melancholy, fortunately, that inspires my lyrics). Do not forget your tools, everything that has made you advance to where you are now, take advantage of your little jar of will, but do not abuse it because that would mean that you are doing something that does not fill you. Breathe in really hard and continue: many of the clouds that cast a shadow on the horizon are not real.

Do not forget that projects need time, that people need time, that work needs time, that you are the one who dominates your time and not the other way around, as many believe. Become the owner of it and give it a meaning, that it does not pass without telling anything, that time speaks, that the moments fill those clocks with stories.

In this letter are the adventures you have lived, what today makes you proud of yourself, but above all what makes you special and different. That which makes you unique and my future self I want it to remain that way, if it is not and you are not smiling right now, stop and think, what do I want and where do I go? Don’t let getting older kidnap the girl who also writes in part today.

hand holding flower representing Fritz Perls phrases

I want you, my future self …

I want you, future me, not to forget your origin, and for that I write to you, remember everything that you carry behind. More than thanking, enjoy who is by your side, and who walks the road with you. If you are remembering right now someone who was but lost contact, call them, thank them for that place they occupy in your memory and in your smile.

In this letter to my future self, my whole essence is lit with desires and hopes, there are my desire to continue, my desire to continue learning. I do not want them to get lost along the way: if they have been, take care to find them again, we cannot allow the wind to dictate destiny.

I hope that you, my future self, have known how to grow and adapt without losing yourself along the way. I want you to write another letter to my future self and make stronger this proof that there are dreams that are worthwhile: both to be imagined, as planned, as lived, even not materialized . It lives.

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