Psychological Immune System: Our Defense Against Adversity

The psychological immune system must be strengthened daily. We must train our mental defenses to better face adversity, to defeat the viruses of hopelessness and those “bacteria” that bring us negativity and increase stress.
Psychological immune system: our defense against adversity

We all have a psychological immune system. Some of us have it somewhat weakened and hence, we cannot adequately deal with all those “pathogens” that we encounter on a daily basis. Stress, the viruses of exhausting relationships and the impact of adversity are those elements that this entity of our brain usually protects us from.

Now, does the human being really have a system similar to that set of tissues and organs responsible for protecting us from antigens? Not exactly, it is actually a mechanism if possible more fascinating but unknown by most in turn. It was Dr. Dan Gilbert, from Harvard University and social psychologist Timothy Wilson from the University of Virginia who explained to us a striking fact in 2001.

In the first place, human beings often underestimate the great capacity they have to deal with adversity and those emotional storms in which we are frequently immersed. Beyond what we may think, there is an innate -but wasted- spring capable of helping us face difficulties with more solvency than we think.

The psychological immune system does not have a specific corner in the brain, but it still exists and is latent. It is that mechanism by which we can overcome the most shocking events and also those small day-to-day setbacks. However, yes, as happens with our defenses, sometimes we go through times of certain vulnerability.

What’s more, sometimes the mere fact of living in negative and oppressive environments “makes” and weakens this immune system.

girl with umbrella investing in her psychological immune system

Psychological immune system: components that comprise it

The psychological immune system is directly related to resilience. Thus, something that often strikes us is how some people are able to recover from a traumatic event more quickly than others. It is something that we admire and that we do not always understand. How do they do that? Why are there those who act with greater resilience and others lack this psychological resistance?

Carlos Osorio, a neuroscientist at King’s College London, conducted a study in 2016 trying to understand what the brains of resilient people were like. This resistance to adversity is related in many cases to a genetic origin. Something that could be seen is that this type of profile copes with stress more effectively. Thus, and thanks to a series of neurochemical processes, they used to more effectively regulate the level of cortisol in the blood.

On the other hand, in addition to the genetic factors are the psychological ones. There are people with greater resources and coping strategies to regulate anxiety, set limits, work on emotional well-being and in essence, deal with everyday difficulties. All these processes are directly related to what neuropsychologists define as the “psychological immune system”.

Let’s see next, those two defenses that make up this mechanism.

Psychological defenses to cope with stress

The basic purpose of the psychological immune system is to protect us from the effect of stress. If we are able to cushion its daily impact, we will gain in well-being and quality of life.

  • While the organic immune system protects us from pathogens, the psychological system places defensive barriers against worries, fears and those unexpected blows that alter our emotional balance.
  • However, it is by no means a question of being “immune” to suffering. It is about knowing how to deal with it, how to handle it, accept it, understand it, transform it …
  • What the psychological immune system does is rationalize. Rationalizing means not getting caught up in a negative and debilitating emotionality. It means not reinforcing irrational thoughts. It also implies using a growth mindset and not a stagnation.
person with enlightened mind symbolizing the psychological immune system

Self-esteem, our best defense system

Another component that makes up the psychological immune system is self-esteem. Studies such as the one carried out by Beatrice Balgiu, from the University of Bucharest, show us this interesting relationship. Thus, having a strong and healthy self-esteem reverts to our personality and our own resilience.

  • This psychological dimension makes us visible to the world and even to ourselves. It is more than a positive self-perception.
  • It is above all to feel capable and courageous enough to face difficulties.
  • It also helps us to set limits, protect ourselves, know how to say “no” and say “yes” with sufficient conviction towards what generates good for us.

How can we strengthen our psychological immune system?

As we have pointed out, there are people who come from the “factory” with this wonderful mechanism. However, other times, factors such as a traumatic childhood or a disadvantaged social environment cause our personality to be not as resistant as we would like.

However, there is hope. We all have exceptional latent potential. An innate force waiting to be awakened. Thus, and just as we take care of ourselves on a day-to-day basis to strengthen our natural defenses, we can also do the same with our psychological defenses.

These would be some strategies.

Keys to strengthen our psychological immune system

A highly recommended book to “train” and see the product of this strength is Man’s Search for Meaning , by Viktor Frankl. Thus, one of the first steps that we must work on is precisely that dimension: the search for a purpose, having a meaning in life, a reason, a series of values.

  • Secondly, it would undoubtedly be to give greater resistance and vigor to our self-esteem. In this case, help and psychological therapy can be very useful.
  • The third factor is to work on rationality, attention and positive focus. Having control over your own thoughts, knowing where to place your attention and taking care not to drift into negativity is essential for psychological well-being is highly necessary. In this case, the practice of meditation can help us.
Butterfly flying at sunset symbolizing the psychological immune system

Finally, a strategy that serves as a bellows in any fire of progress is creativity. Difficulties are often reduced by original solutions. Creative responses open doors. They help us to get out of harmful environments, potentially stimulating situations for our involution as people. Innovating, creating and allowing ourselves new opportunities facilitates our development.

To conclude, knowing that we all have a psychological immune system, let’s work on it. Let’s take care of it on a daily basis and strengthen this exceptional dimension.

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