Rescued Pets, How To Choose Your Best Friend?

Rescued pets are animals that will love you and be faithful to you for their entire lives. An animal that has suffered from a street situation will always thank you for having rescued it. Do you know the requirements to adopt a pet?
Rescued pets, how to choose your best friend?

Rescued pets are sometimes complex animals because of their learning history. They already have a few years of life and in them, in many cases, they have learned that people can become a threat.

On the other hand, dogs – rescued or not – are companion animals and generally enjoy interacting with people. This does not mean that they are with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Animals, like us, also need their space.

A space that they will find at home, but that they also need to find outside, hence it is necessary to take them out. They need to run and expand, in this sense they are no different from us.

So, if you are thinking of adopting one, first think about how you intend to meet their needs. Dog walkers are a great option, but you have to count on them as an added financial burden.

Sad dog

1. Long-term commitment: dogs can live 10 to 20 years

What are your life plans? If you are in college, do you plan to go home to your parents? What will your life be like after college? 10 hours of work? Going out with friends every night after work?

You should consider what your long-term plans will be before adopting. Dogs can live for more than 10 years, depending on their size. Make sure you find a dog that fits into your future plans as well.

2. Can you afford the expenses of the rescued pets?

The animal protection associations do not receive financial subsidies, but rather live on financial aid from individuals. When adopting, a fee or donation is requested to cover the veterinary expenses of the pet while it has been under your care.

You must bear in mind that rescued pets require certain minimum expenses. Even if you find a “free” dog, you will have to pay for food or veterinarian care. Here are some of the costs involved in adopting and owning a dog:

  • Fixed expenses include the adoption fee, dog food – the amount varies depending on the size of your dog.
  • Collar, leash and identification tag.
  • Toys and bones.
  • Dog bed.
  • Annual medical check-up and vaccination.
  • Monthly flea and tick prevention (depends on the size of the dog).
  • Optional expenses: periodic baths, training classes, insurance policy, European passport.

3. The age of the rescued pets, is a puppy really a better choice than an older dog?

Consider the relative advantages of adopting a puppy, young dog, or adult dog. Puppies, for example, require a lot of work when it comes to instilling certain habits. On the other hand, puppies chew incessantly by teething. If you don’t want his things to be chewed on or you don’t have the time or money to train a puppy, consider adopting an adult dog.

There are many older dogs that need a home too! Older dogs have many benefits and are usually potty trained and obedient already and require less exercise.

4. Socialization, is adopting a dog better than buying a puppy?

It doesn’t matter if you decide to buy a puppy from a breeder or adopt a puppy from a pet shelter. In both cases, the first step is to find a breeder or collateral rescue center. Many people comment that they want a puppy because they want to make sure that they are the ones who educate them. Also, in principle, it seems to many that a puppy is a more suitable dog in a context in which there are children.

An important part of adoption is presenting the test that protective agencies normally take to prospective adopters. There they ask questions about your hobbies, your type of house, to find the dog that best suits your conditions. The usual thing is that from here, you send a request to the protector of the animal that interests you. Afterwards, they will contact you to meet you and explain the adoption process.

5. Suffering: the shelter pets come with luggage

It is true that some rescued pets have their fears and behavior problems as a result of the experience they have lived. These same problems can occur even if you choose to buy a puppy from a breeder.

Are you ready to face possible problems? Would you seek professional help if necessary? Don’t expect your new pet to be perfect in everything. Nobody is perfect!

Dog with sad look

6. Will you have time to train your puppy?

Training your dog is not an option, it is an obligation. Many people who have a dog have an idea of ​​how they want that dog to behave.

Television shows and movies project “the image of a perfect dog” onto society. This perfect dog runs off leash, comes when called, and never gets in trouble!

But the fact is, dogs that actually behave this way have gone through many hours of training to behave that way. Dogs are not born to understand people, it is our job to train them to understand us and not create dangerous situations. The degree to which we will have to train a dog will depend on its learning history and where we want to set the bar for its behavior.

7. What requirements do you need to adopt a pet in Spain?

These are some of the requirements that you must meet to adopt a pet in Spain:

  • Be of age. You must present the DNI.
  • Possess proof of address. Either that the person owns the home or, in the case of rent, that the tenant allows him to reside with animals.
  • Sign an adoption contract. The contract commits you to take care of your pet and keep it in optimal conditions.
  • Provide you with the health service you need.
  • Do not subject it to reproduction processes.
  • Notify the association about any inconvenience suffered by the pet.
  • In case of not being able to take charge, return it to the association.

In conclusion, there are many animals that need your help. Abandoned, injured or abused pets are waiting for a foster home that loves them. If you are committed to being a good owner and you are determined to adopt, you can consult the website of animal protectors and go to the reception centers.

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