Resist Or Accept

Resist or accept

Surely there are a large number of situations around you that you would like to change, both of others and of yourself or around you. And sometimes, to achieve this, you try to fight against the circumstances imagining that it may be the best option, refusing to accept it. Your resistance to avoid reality has become an obstacle.

On many occasions, change does not mean modifying things from the outside or from the outside, but generating that change from the inside and this new situation only begins with acceptance. Accepting does not mean remaining passive and indifferent, accepting is the engine that will promote change when we begin to be aware.

Resist to avoid reality

In our life there are many painful experiences that we cannot avoid such as illnesses, losses, disappointments, separations, etc., that cause us discomfort. If we add to the suffering of these experiences an attitude of resistance, we will generate suffering that can be dispensable and unnecessary.

Resistance constitutes a mechanism of opposition to reality, accompanied by feelings such as anger, disgust, rejection or indignation, that is, an entire emotional movement that deprives us of calm and lucidity, blurring our understanding in most of us. the times.

Woman putting up resistance

Resistance creates an emotional storm that will make it difficult for us to envision the proper solution. It is as if it were an emotion that grows as you become aware of what is happening or what we have just learned. And if we do not know how to control it can lead to personal stagnation.

In addition to the added suffering due to the adoption of the resistant posture, what this ends up producing is the impossibility of finding an adequate solution or response to the unpleasant situation that caused it for several reasons: one is the impediment to see clearly the situation in the that we are immersed in its whole and another, that the resulting emotions will prevent us to a greater extent from carrying out the remedy in practice.

And although the origin of rejection and resistance is completely natural, since all living beings try to avoid what hurts or hurts us and we approach what favors us, the problem originates or arises when what we do not like It has the characteristic of inevitable, so we have no choice but to face it.

Thus, we waste our energy in the internal conflict that we harbor, instead of looking for or guiding ourselves on the right path or solution.

Even when a period of great resistance has been endured, we can be overwhelmed by the inevitability of the fact that we resist accepting, and surrender altogether, thereby ceasing to oppose it. But it is true that acceptance is usually a gradual process, which takes some time to occur.

When we accept, suffering ceases and if we are capable, we can come to feel in tune with everything that is, living what previously seemed a dead end situation as a starting point and an opportunity to enrich ourselves. We accept and thus, we allow change in a certain way, because we give way to understanding things.

Allowing things to be as they are, allying ourselves with reality, on many occasions will require us to abandon projects conceived for the future or to detach ourselves from certain people or things, to continue moving forward. To finish, I leave you with an old proverb:


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