Sad Eyes Should Be Asked Fewer Questions And More Hugs

Sad eyes should be asked fewer questions and given more hugs

When a person is sad, we tend to harass him with questions about what is wrong with him, what made him feel this way, how he is feeling, how we can cheer him up, etc. However, sometimes sad eyes need to be asked fewer questions and given more hugs.

Because when we feel bad and we are involved in a storm of sadness that appears in our sad eyes, our mind and our body need the emotional support of our friends and the people who are dear to us.

Sadness from inside out on gif

The normalization and validation of sadness

Many times people do not need words that encourage us but patient hearts that listen to us and give us a hug when we go through emotionally complicated moments.

In other words, the best way to help a person who is sad is simply by offering him our presence without words, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking at him with affection and sincerity. Because, sometimes, by wanting to help someone, we are actually doing the opposite.

Because there are times when words are unnecessary and all we need is to be left alone, to be able to breathe and to put our thoughts in order, because after all sadness facilitates introspection.

Sadness, heartbeat of a universal language

Sadness is the emotion of grief, loss and damage. An experience that, although negative, is healthy for us, as it inspires a greater self-awareness about everything that surrounds us.

This emotional experience grows and remains when we perceive that we are alone, as discouragement increases and generates an ever-increasing slope or mountain that it is difficult for us to assume and that can become pathologized and materialize in an insane emotional state.

What we must never do is contain and repress that sadness that will only increase. We have to learn to express it, not to be ashamed of it and to allow it to come out in order to free ourselves from it.

Hug those demons that come to tell us something

This is what movies like Inside-out (also called Inside Out and Inside Out) teach us. Specifically, sadness helps us through the demotivation that it generates to reflect, analyze and evoke caring behaviors in others.

That is why, as they say, if we deny our sadness, that we have sad eyes, and we do not show it, we miss all this, thus not obtaining the opportunity to receive a long and affectionate hug that helps us remember that we are not here. alone.

The society of the recipes of happiness forces us to always be happy and not allow ourselves to suffer, because it is seen as abnormal and negative. It is understood that sadness transports us to an unwanted place and, in the end, we fall into the trap of excessive longing.

Sadness from inside out on gif

Therefore, a hug without questioning or questions helps us normalize that we can be sad and that, in fact, we must accept it. That our environment does not judge and belittle our emotional state is essential to regain confidence in ourselves.

Because there are hugs that help us to rebuild the parts that were broken in our heart, accepting that our days have as many nuances as our circumstances and understanding that our emotions should be left out of that supermarket of reasons and recipes for almost everything.

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