The Circle Of 99, An Inspiring Story

The circle of 99, an inspiring story

Once upon a time there was a kingdom far away that was led by a sad sovereign. He himself did not understand the reasons for his melancholy, until one of his wise men made him see that everything was related to the circle of 99. It would be a lesson he would never forget.

It all started one morning when the king, in the midst of his sadness, saw one of his servants enter. The humble man smiled and hummed a song, with great enthusiasm. The sovereign realized that this servant was always happy and was curious. How could a servant feel blissful and he, being the king, found no peace?

He asked the man: “ Why are you so happy ? ”. The servant did not know what to answer. ” Why not? ”, He answered at last. “ I live in the palace, serving the most powerful being in the kingdom… I have what I need… A comfortable home, a faithful wife, healthy children… What more would I wish for? I don’t see why I shouldn’t be happy with this life that I lead … “

The king was upset. I didn’t believe a word. How could a man be happy who had only a modest home and a diet far inferior to his own? He threatened to behead him if he did not reveal the secret of his happiness. The servant excused himself and asked her forgiveness if she had offended him. Actually, he had no way of answering.

The wise man and the circle 99

At last, the king told his servant to leave. He could hardly tolerate that smile that was not extinguished by anything. Not even the threat of death had really disturbed him. When the humble man had already left, he immediately summoned the palace sages. He needed to decipher that riddle.

gold coins symbolizing the circle of 99

When the wise men were gathered, he ordered them to tell him why the servant was happy with that miserable life and instead he could not stop being sad. One of the wise men spoke up and said, It’s simple. The servant is happy because he does not yet know the circle of 99 ”. The king was intrigued . What was that they called the circle of 99?

The sage then told him that it was useless to explain in words the meaning of the circle of 99. The best thing was for him to check it with his own eyes. It was only necessary to collect 99 pieces of pure gold. He would show him how when he entered the circle of 99, who was a happy man, he would become a miserable being. The king accepted the test.

Entry into the circle of 99

The king ordered to collect the 99 solid gold coins, the most valuable in the kingdom. Together with the sage they put them in a bag and took them, stealthily, to the servant’s house. They were left at the door, along with a sign: “ This is an award for being a faithful and devoted servant. Enjoy it ”. Then they stayed hidden to watch what happened.

The servant came out suddenly and saw the bag. Was surprised. He looked from side to side and then walked home intrigued. The king and his sage watched him from outside, unseen. The humble man took the coins and scattered them on the table.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then he set out to count his new fortune. He made piles of 10 coins. When he reached the last pile, he thought something was wrong. This one did not have 10 coins, but 9.

The 99 circle trap

The servant thought that a coin had been dropped. He looked for her everywhere, but couldn’t find her. Then he said aloud: ” Someone saw the package and stole a coin. He looked confused and began to do the math: how long would it take to get a coin to complete a hundred? He did addition and subtraction.

medieval painting symbolizing the circle of 99

Working normally, it would take about five years. But what if he made an additional income? Maybe it would reduce those five years to just two. What if he asked his wife to work on something additional too? It is possible that in just one year you will achieve your goal …

Since then, the servant became very pensive and distrustful. He was suspicious of everyone in the palace. He thought that any of them had stolen the coin that, according to him, was missing from his fortune. He was also afraid that it would be stolen again.

He kept making new and new plans to complete his hundred coins. He was trapped in the circle of 99. He never thought about what he had, but what he lacked. The sage was absolutely right.

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