The Despair, The Lament Behind Depressive Disorder

Those moments in which we feel desperate, anguished for not making sense of what surrounds us, angry with ourselves and those around us pay for it … The truth is that behind these distressing psychological realities, the reverse of depression.
The despair, the regret behind depressive disorder

Despair is the echo that emerges from the void. It is anger when losing hope, it is sadness transformed into that lament of those who believe they have lost everything and no longer perceive light on the horizon or meaning in their present. Few psychological states can become as dangerous as that peak where the person no longer knows which way to go or which handles are true.

We know that despair is a common human experience. Philosophers such as Søren Kierkegaard have spoken of it over time, defining it as a lack of spirit, meaning and defiance. Jean-Paul Sartre, for his part, even went so far as to say that there is in this dimension a frustrating inability to move on, as well as an almost cowardly negativism that society itself often inoculates us.

Now, from a psychological point of view, no one delved into human despair as well as Viktor Frankl. The father of logotherapy and a survivor of several Nazi concentration camps, he defined this concept through two very basic ideas: suffering and loss of meaning. These experiences are undoubtedly the most devastating for a person, but they can still (over) live them. We can all get around them and face life with new and better resources.

boy who feels despair

Psychological despair, a distressing emotion

If we were to take away from each person on this planet their purposes, the vision they have of themselves and the meaning they give to their own lives, we would drive them to utter despair. Thus, and although we often define this dimension as a mixture of sadness and hopelessness, it should be noted that there is something deeper.

It is empty and it is also falling into a state of mind where one does not stop asking unanswered questions. It is common, in fact, that questions of the type arise: but what is the meaning of this life? What am I doing in this world? What can I do now in this situation when nothing makes sense? These kinds of questions only feed the cycle of despair; no doubt leading the person to a corner of psychological darkness where they can be trapped.

Despair fueled by anxiety

Studies, such as the one carried out by Dr. Martin Bürgy, from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, show us that despair has been until recently a psychopathologically neglected phenomenon on the part of research. Somehow, we left him to that philosophical universe where he could answer something that was more related to existential problems.

  • However, cognitive psychology is clear that this concept has great clinical significance. Despair can appear from time to time in our lives.
  • We can feel it when at a given moment, everything seems to go against us and we feel temporarily blocked and even lost. However, in other cases, the situation is a bit more complicated.
  • It happens when we fall into those cycles of ruminant and obsessive thinking where we feed negativity and helplessness. To these negative thoughts is added a complex web of emotions such as sadness, anguish, anger, frustration …

Thus, it is very common that at the beginning, despair appears as a result of the anxiety itself. However, if this situation is maintained over time, the person will almost inevitably drift towards a depressive disorder. 

Man with clouds on his head to represent acineptosia

Despair forces you to face yourself

Desperation taken to its extreme ends up generating extreme ideas in the person’s mind. Suicidal ideation is the result of that total loss of meaning and hope, undoubtedly the most dangerous part of these situations where it is crucial to have psychological help.

Thus, it is common for despair to be that element almost always present in major depression and even in bipolar disorder. Very delicate situations that often require pharmacological treatment together with psychological therapy itself. However, as we pointed out at the beginning, these realities can be overcome with specialized help and commitment.

To do this, it is advisable to reflect on some issues.

The anger that dwells in despair can help us

Anger remains an unknown emotion. It is energetic, powerful, demanding and transformative if we channel it well.

  • Despair is made of that rage of someone who does not make sense of anything. There is an anger with the world and also with oneself. And that, although it may surprise us, is good. Because the most dangerous thing is apathy, immobility, not feeling anything , experiencing emptiness and that everything does not matter to us.
  • On the other hand, if we put anger in our favor and generate changes, things will gradually find a new balance. You just have to channel the energy, so that the positive potential ends up melting into reality.

Face to face with oneself to start over

Some say that despair is the prison of our worst ‘me’. It is our darkest side, the one that wants us weak and lost. Carl Jung pointed out that the purpose of psychological therapy is transformation and above all, to achieve that individualization where the person finds their own vital meaning.

Desperation forces us to talk to ourselves, to see the worst in ourselves. Therefore, it is our obligation to accept that ‘shadow’ that Jung would say, in order to be able after transcending it. To reach that brighter and stronger side where to find hope and security again. It is a journey that is not without difficulties, we are clear about it, but it is undoubtedly a path worth starting to leave suffering behind.

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