There Are Absences That Represent A True Triumph

There are absences that represent a true triumph

Absences hurt but it is a pain that is mitigated and disappears with the passage of time, however the pain of sharing our life with someone who hurts us is long and very deep. A friend, a family member, a partner, can make life bitter, but it is in our hands to get away and live a full life.

If a person looks down on you, they don’t love you; if he criticizes you to hurt you, he does not love you; If he insults you or mistreats you, he does not love you:  if he ignores you or simply does not take you into account, he does not love you.  Isn’t it better that such a person is not in your life? That is a true triumph.

Sleeping girl accompanied by an owl

People whose absences are a success

With certain types of people, we must create a healthy and healing distance, a distance that makes us feel that we are ourselves and we can live in a climate of well-being and security. Here are some types of people whose absence is a real hit.

The pessimist

It can appear in many aspects of our life, among our friends, in a relationship, at work. The first thing to do is identify it. It is that person who does not stop complaining, for whom everything is bad, everything is against him, his passion is to reproach others, without any basis.

They are actually people with low self-esteem, who like to convey their concern. Worrying is human, but it is about having a concern that seeks solutions and helps us, that is healthy and positive and not paralyzing. It is about looking for the opportunity in each situation to grow and not to stagnate.

The manipulator

A manipulator will make you believe that what is best for you is coincidentally what is best for him, so that you will find yourself doing things you do not want to do. They are people who know how to handle emotions and use that skill. A manipulator is a specialist in identifying your weaknesses so that you do what he wants.

For this reason, it is important to detect it as soon as possible, but it must be considered that a manipulator  can have many facets : a person who is always a victim and makes you feel guilty for their misfortunes, a person who is aggressive and whom you prefer to please than face , a person who uses your words to transform them into things that you have not said.

The possessive

A possessive will prevent you from relating to other people, isolate you and make you believe that you are better off this way. It is a person for whom you are one more object to own exclusively. He says phrases like: “You are mine / mine.” Those types of people are better off becoming absences, because no one should possess you, you are a person not a thing, you have emotions and feelings, you live and breathe, you relate to others, you are human.

The aggressive

An aggressive person loves to argue, he likes to verbally attack, he feels powerful that way. Aggression is their reason for being, it has no basis but their own insecurity and lack of self-esteem. Run away from such a person as soon as possible. Love yourself and believe in yourself, do not let anyone belittle you and make you feel inferior, you are a person and as such, different from others, neither better nor worse, you are unique.

Let loneliness caress you

We have a deeply held belief that to be happy we need others in our lives, we need to have a partner, we need to have friends. But happiness is something internal, something that concerns each of us as individual people, something that does not depend on other people but on ourselves.

Woman clinging to the moon enjoying solitude

There are people with millions of friends or with a partner, who are deeply unhappy, because they make their well-being depend on others. Think of something that makes you happy, riding a bike, writing, reading, all those things will continue to make you happy regardless of other people, because the satisfaction that comes from doing them is in yourself.

So let loneliness caress you, tuck you in, allow you to know yourself and accept yourself. Let it surround you and invade your life from time to time. Benefit from silence, your own space alone, going for a walk and observing others while enjoying your thoughts. Feel how the absences of people who make you feel bad is a success.

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