What Happens When A Love Is Not Reciprocated

What happens when a love is unrequited

Unrequited love is possibly one of the most painful situations you can go through in life. Whoever has lived it knows it and has felt it with all his being.

That is also why, which in turn, is the clearest opportunity we have to learn valuable lessons about ourselves. Being in full emotional openness, we are much more fragile and hypersensitive to what is happening.

Experiencing this situation can be traumatic and distressing, and equally enriching and enlightening. We undoubtedly obtain a unique perspective, in which we see ourselves experiencing a multitude of facets that we did not think we had.

Girl in love sad because her love is unrequited

The melancholy of love

In unrequited love, melancholy is your faithful companion. It is the disease of the unsatisfied lover, due to non-correspondence, desire and the constant need for fusion.

Everything we live we would like to share with that person, anything reminds us of her. All the places through which she passed become sacred, we are exalted and altered when we contemplate her, even if it is a fantasy.

We wait for any minimal contact with her, and the result ends up being nostalgic: a sadness installed in the depths of our hearts. It is when we feel the true loneliness, for not being with the one we yearn for so much.

This disease, as is the melancholy of love, which medieval troubadours emphasize, comes precisely from what would remedy it: the being who is loved.

Frustration over non-correspondence

It is inevitable throughout the course of this process, in which we are feeling a deep love, that frustration invades us, due to expectations, illusions and fantasies that are not satisfied with the passage of time.

The non-correspondence of love can occur before falling in love with someone who does not correspond, and it can also occur before a lack of love where there has been an abandonment after a previous mutual love.

In both cases, the intensity of frustration can lead to various physical and psychological problems, due to the self-destruction of maintaining hope and hope indefinitely in an unsatisfied way.

Frozen heart for unrequited love

At what point do you lose hope and desire to be with the other person? This is a question that can be answered by those who have already been through this situation. But it also has a peculiarity: the answer and the resolution will be different with each of the loved ones.

Acceptance of non-correspondence

This whole process of maturity and self-knowledge ends with acceptance. In being able to assimilate and understand that love is not controllable, it does not depend on our will, and therefore the other person will not be able to feel it even if they want to.

Like us, we cannot stop feeling it when we decide. We can only observe how it is transforming in relation to how it is being experienced.

Love is part of spiritual matters, and cannot be intellectualized. It is a deep joy that fills us and fills us with longing for the one we love. Feeling that nothing matters other than the well-being of that other person.

Only the person who loves under this situation knows where his limit is, when he has to surrender to the acceptance of reality.

When despair, discomfort and melancholy have been experienced with great intensity; Without reaching repression, in the face of non-correspondence, those feelings are allowed to die, which do not suppose a break, but a transformation in the relationship.

Lamenting for having loved and not being reciprocated shows great ingratitude, since the fact of having felt what it is to love is the greatest of the gifts that can be obtained. Its magnitude and intensity are well to flourish our soul, as well as to sculpt us through the wounds.


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