What Is Your Personality?

What is your personality?

Knowing what your personality is can help you grow. The more you know yourself, the more confident you can be in life. You can also see if you need to change something, if there is any excess of any trait that reduces your quality of life. Analyze yourself to know what your personality is.

What is your personality?

1. Perfectionist

They are people a bit obsessive with perfection. They are very rational and apply discipline in an extreme way . Authoritarian and upright, with themselves and with others. They can become annoying, as they will try to correct what they do not see as correct in others.

They are rarely satisfied with anything, it could always have been improved, therefore, most of the time, they feel angry and smile little.

They experience great frustration and anxiety most of the time, because they have a hard time reaching their own standards.

2. Loyal and dependent 

Trust and sincerity are highly valued. Very friendly and committed to others. If something characterizes them, it is the loyalty they offer when they identify with someone. They can be completely trusted as they are highly compliant and responsible.

Heart-shaped padlock

3. Challenging

They are the kind of people who never agree with their surroundings. Opposing would be the most prominent feature. They need to command, dominate and stand out, even if it is because of their differences. They may seem wise. They are not influenced by the opinion of others. They have their ideas and they will carry them out even if they are out of the ordinary.

They are cruel and spiteful if their orders are not followed. They impose their dictatorship and want to be the leaders at all costs. They will never express emotions, they believe they are invincible and they usually have many people around them who they dislike.

4. Caregiver and helper 

They are more interested in the welfare of those they love, than their own. They worry excessively about the attention and care of others . They are very generous, somewhat possessive, and very loving. Sensitive, loving and selfless, they love to serve others without expecting anything in return. They like to be needed.

On the negative side, they are somewhat naive and hypersensitive to criticism and rejection. In their apparent goodness of character they hide a great weakness.

5. Enthusiastic and outgoing 

They stand out for being very active, happy, spontaneous and fun people. They are excited to socialize and embark on new projects. They are ambitious and impulsive. They need to have a constant and varied activity, therefore, they are usually versatile.

6. Individualistic and introverted 

Unlike the previous personality, the individualist and introvert is a reserved type, he prefers to be alone with his ideas and projects than in social groups. They are respectful, serious, imaginative, fanciful, discreet and possess great intuition.

Introspective people usually have a high degree of creativity , which if taken abroad, could dedicate themselves to a profession within the art world. As they do not like too socialize, they have not developed skills with others and can show t imides, unsafe and not very spontaneous.

7. Researcher and creator 

They are characterized by being very independent. They want to create, investigate and invent what does not yet exist. They are like a sponge of life. What they learn they use to see beyond and innovate. They often isolate themselves to be alone with their thoughts and develop their perceptions, which can sometimes seem unusual.

8. The leader and achiever 

They have great security. They are brilliant, they know each other well, and they know how to use the best that is in them. They accept and like themselves, that is why they are authentic and good people. They adapt to any situation, they are not afraid of challenges.

Their emotional intelligence stands out, which is why they are always oriented towards success in any facet of their life. They are nice, honest, charming, human. They earn the respect and admiration of others.

9. Peaceful and calm 

They are very calm, stable, balanced people. They like to put peace in any conflict. Its simplicity, modesty and patience stand out. They do not like bad environments, therefore, they do anything to harmonize their environment.

There is no one type of personality that is better or worse . They all have their good and bad sides, all in excess can be harmful, as always in the balance would be the positive. What is your remarkable personality?

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